The history of Aboriginal theatre by Kim Kruger, Yves Rees on Detransition Baby, Robbo Bennetts on the West Gate Bridge and other crises, the winners of the Kuracca Prize for Australian literature and more.

Issue Contents

Zowie Douglas-Kinghorn
Jenni Mazaraki
Donna Mazza
Kuracca Prize Winner | Great Grandmother Arrabrilya
Online soon
Adam Brannigan
Evelyn Araluen and Jonathan Dunk
Kuracca Prize
Kuracca Prize Runner-up | The grief tourist
Online soon
Yeena Kirkbright
Kuracca Prize Runner-Up | Me, the (failed) revolutionary
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Nandini Shah
Kuracca Prize Winner | Great Grandmother Arrabrilya
Online soon
Adam Brannigan
Justin Clemens, Jeanine Leane and Elena Gomez
Browse the issue:

Kuracca Prize Winner | Great Grandmother Arrabrilya

Kuracca Prize

Kuracca Prize Runner-up | The grief tourist

Kuracca Prize Runner-Up | Me, the (failed) revolutionary

Kuracca Prize Winner | Great Grandmother Arrabrilya