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Overland was founded from a broad progressive movement of political organisations, trade unions, writers and activists. They shared a commitment to literary quality, and to publishing and fostering diverse writers. 

In 2025, the stakes have never been higher.

Overland maintains its progressive founding editorial vision of publishing underrepresented perspectives on issues rarely given space in traditional media. The magazine continues to dissect media hysteria and dishonesty, give a voice to those whose stories are otherwise marginalised, misrepresented or ignored, and point public debate in alternative directions. 

Now, more than ever, Overland strives to nurture a community of activists, artists, writers and readers — diverse, informed, impassioned, curious and brave. 

Despite Overland’s small size, our impact is substantial. 

Overland’s content is available for free to everyone, allowing more democratic participation in cultural and political conversations. This choice reflects our belief in the importance of open access to and participation in the means of cultural production, no matter who you are.

We’ve achieved a lot in seventy years. 

Overland will continue to be at the forefront of progressive thought in this country. Given the magnitude of the challenges we collectively face, and with recent threats and organised attempts to bring down our publication and attack our staff and undermine their livelihoods, we are committed to continuing our work in a robust and fearless way. 

In the current media landscape, building a culture of diverse, ethical and progressive challenges to the status quo is imperative.

With the literary arts increasingly under threat (from many directions — a lack of reliable ongoing government funding is just the tip of the iceberg), we need your help. Buy, read, subscribe, contribute, share. And if you’re in a position to, give a tax-deductible donation and send your money straight into the hands of progressive media. 

Join us in making this difficult, important work possible. 

Donate today. Any and all donations are valued. All donations are tax deductible.

Donation (tax-deductible over $2)

Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting voices excluded from traditional media. Any and all donations are valued. All donations are tax-deductable.


O.L. Society Limited, publisher of Overland, is on the Register of Cultural Organisations and reports to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.