Jennifer Maiden woke up in The Lodge during National Poetry Week. The PM’s popularity ratings had dipped to an all-time low and her media machine had advised her to chat up some poets in a desperate attempt to regain some ground from Tony. Rambling poetry readings by superannuated academics drinking plonk from plastic cups was not Julia’s scene so she’d invited the Maiden to stay at The Lodge. The PM’s minders had given her a copy of JM’s book Friendly Fire. Julia couldn’t see much resemblance to poetry in the untidy verse but she didn’t have to read between the lines to get the poet’s drift on politics. The PM was worried that Jennifer would quiz her about Kevin Hillary Iraq unauthorised maritime arrivals and what Julia saw in Tim (apart from a daily blow-dry) and that her answers would surface in the poet’s next book. So the PM turned on the TV to avoid a Q&A. Julia didn’t know much about poetry but she knew that a poet’s fire was hardly ever friendly.