Why should the Victorian Muslim community boycott the Premier’s Iftar this year?

This is the full final version of the circulating open letter calling on the Victorian Muslim community to boycott the Victorian Premier’s Iftar. 

Assalamu alaikum.

Since 2015, the tradition of hosting an annual Victorian Premier’s Iftar during Ramadan has been welcomed by sections of the Muslim community, with hundreds from the Victorian Muslim community accepting the Premier’s invitation to join the event held in Melbourne every year.

This event was deemed a gesture of goodwill and a reflection of care and compassion towards our Muslim community, as well as an opportunity for bridge-building.

This year, the Labor Party’s inaction, at all levels of Government, towards preventing the live-streamed genocide of the Palestinian people, in particular those under the continued ethnic cleansing in Gaza since October 2023, as well as their dismissive response to the documented impact on the Victorian Muslim community, from rise in hate crimes to lack of political representation, has demonstrated where the Labor Party stands.

In light of these concerns with the Victorian Government, the Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) has advised the Premier to cancel this year’s Iftar. The ICV indicated that if the Iftar was not cancelled, it would not be attending, and encouraged all member societies and the Board of Imams Victoria (BOIV) to do the same. Unfortunately, the Office of the Premier has been reaching out to members of the community in an attempt to garner support for the Iftar and bypass the ICV’s principled stance.

This open letter calls upon all individuals and organisations within the Victorian Muslim community to boycott the Premier’s Iftar for this year, and here is why:

Firstly, on the matter of stopping the genocide of the Palestinian people, our unwavering unity cannot and must not be undermined. Standing united behind our main representative body in Victoria ensures that the Muslim community can’t be undermined and strategically strengthens our representative voice. This is important.

Secondly, it is off-putting and objectionable to attend such a lavish Iftar while our brothers and sisters in Gaza are starved of food and water. This is disrespectful towards community sentiment and is not consistent with the spirit of Ramadan.

Thirdly, the Premier’s position on the genocide, to date, has been to maintain the Victorian Government’s support for Israel’s genocidal assault, defending direct partnerships with the Israeli arms industry despite the United Nations call to stop arming Israel, and the International Court of Justice ruling requiring the prevention of genocidal acts. We list below some examples of her position:

  • Despite the extensive history of Israel’s human rights and international law violations, on the 17th of October, Premier Allan moved a motion in Parliament asking the House to stand with Israel and recognise its inherent right to defend itselfShe then employed racist tropes that legitimise Israel’s assault on Gaza claiming that Hamas “hate their neighbours’ children more than they love their own.
  • After the Premier’s motion was read in full – and supported by the Leader of the Opposition, Leader of the Nationals, the Deputy Premier and other Members of Parliament – the Member for Prahran (representing the Greens) rose to propose an amendment to the motion. The amendment sought to condemn war crimes perpetrated by the state of Israel and to call for an immediate ceasefire between all parties. This amendment was rejected by the Premier and every single member of the Legislative Assembly except for those representing the Greens.
  • On that same day, the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) struck Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, killing between 300-500 civilians, bringing the Gaza death toll to more than 3,000 civilians. This came after Israel almost immediately cut off all power, water, food, fuel and medical supplies to the Gaza Strip. Neither the bombing of that hospital, which was followed by the bombing of subsequent hospitals and health clinics, schools, places of worship and cultural significance – all war crimes – nor the cutting off of necessary supplies, has been acknowledged by the Premier who stands with Israel regardless of these mass atrocities.
  • On 9 November, the Premier again jeopardised efforts towards ending Israel’s genocidal assault by criticising Merri-Bek Council’s successful humanitarian ceasefire motion, stating,“This complex global situation is being negotiated right now by world leaders, not by local governments here in Melbourne.” To which Councillor Bolton replied, “I believe that peace is everybody’s business.”
  • On 30 November – when the death toll exceeded15,000 in Gaza, with thousands reported as trapped under the rubble and the health system collapsing – Premier Allen spoke again in Parliament on the supposed “Israel/Hamas war” and again erased Palestinian suffering. Through this misrepresentation of the genocidal assault as a war with Hamas, she spoke to the grief of the families of the Israeli hostages who she met with a delegation of Israeli officials. She condemned activists who sought to interrupt Israel’s war criminal leaders and smeared them as antisemitic.
  • The Premier has since attacked the public’s critique of the Victorian Government’s ongoing and increased Israeli arms industry ties. On 7 February 2024, the Victorian Greens introduced a motion calling on the Allen Government to end its secretive relationship with the Israeli Ministry of Defence and to sever any ties with companies arming the IDF. At the time of the motion, the United Nations estimated that at least 100,000 Palestinians had been killed, wounded or were missing. Without even taking a moment to condemn or commiserate the human toll in Gaza, the Premier instead dismissed the preliminary measures outlined by the International Court of Justice and justified the continuation of these ties with the Israeli arms industry on the premise of them creating “jobs for Victorians”.
  • The Victorian Government refuses to end its partnership with Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest weapons manufacturing company, despite international efforts to stop arming Israel, where states such as Norway have ruled that it is unlawful to export arms to Israel.
  • The Premier has not yet called for the genocide to end despite demands from international bodies for boycott, divestment and sanctions to prevent the imminent assault on Rafah.

Standing united in boycotting this Iftar will provide a clear message to Premier Allan that the Muslim community rejects the Victorian Government’s position regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza. We hope for this boycott to also register the betrayal felt through her dismissal of the immense suffering of many Victorians because of the genocide perpetrated before our eyes and that we are demanding actions by her to remedy this. The actions include ending partnerships with the Israeli arms industry and recognising the pain and suffering of the Palestinian and Muslim communities in Victoria because of the ongoing genocide.

Contact for enquiry:

General: premiersiftarboycott@outlook.com
Mohammad Helmy: 0418 118 726
Atiyah:  0424 112 150
Waseem Razvi: 0432 713 426
Tasnim Sammak: 0410776823

Endorsed By:

1- Green Crescent Australia
2- Australian Turkish Institute
3- Nillumbik for Palestine
4- Melton Council Palestinian Solidarity group
5- Darebin for Palestine
6- Australian Islamic Mission
7- Virgin Mary Mosque (VMM)
8- Elsedeaq Heidelberg Mosque
9- Hume for Palestine
10- Dandenong for Palestine
11- IEACA – Cranbourne Mosque
12- BOIV
13- Banyule Palestine Action Group
14- Hobsons Bay for Palestine
15- Melbourne for Palestine
16- Whittlesea for Palestine
17- Brimbank for Palestine
18- Moonee Valley for Palestine
19- Australian Services Union for Palestine
20- Unionists for Palestine
21- Wyndham for Palestine
22- Craigieburn Mosque
23- Maidstone Mosque
24- MyCentre
25- Muslim Women Australia
26- Imam of Bendigo Mosque
27- Pillars of Guidance Community Centre (PGCC)
28- IREA
29- Al Jannah Foundation (NGO)
30- Islamic Association of Monash Mosque Inc.
31- Gippsland Australian Muslim Community Inc. (GAMCI)
32- Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah (ASWJ)
33- Hume Islamic Youth Centre (HIYC)
34- ASWJ South East
35- Muslim Professionals Association
36- Islamic Society of Melbourne Eastern Region (ISOMER)
37- Australian Muslim Media (Islamic Voice Radio)
38- Geelong Islamic Community Centre (GICC)
39- Tayyiba Institute Cranbourne West
40- Latrobe Faith Community Inc
41- Association of Muslim Professionals Australia
42- Australian Muslim Social Services Agency (AMSSA)
43- Afghan Islamic Centre
44- Omar Farooq Mosque – Doveton
45- Young Muslims of Australia (YMA)
46-  Muslim Legal Network
47- Knox for Palestinian
48- Keysborough Turkish Islamic Cultural Centre
49- Keysborough Mosque
50- Albanian Australian Islamic Society (AAIS)
51- Werribee Islamic Centre (WIC)
52- Melbourne Grand Mosque (MGM)
53- SalamFest
54- Free Palestine Dandenong Action
55- Keysborough Muslim Youth Group
56- Mooroopna Mosque
57-  Human and Moral Development Centre Inc (HDMC)
58- Activate Youth
59- Teachers and School Staff for Palestine (VIC)
60-  Australian Malayalee Islamic Association (AMIA) Inc.
61- Circles of Light (COLC)
62- Australian National Imams Council (ANIC)
63- Independent Industrialist and Business Association – Musiad Australia
64- AFIC
65- Stand 4 Uyghurs Australia
66- Dandenong Islamic Society
67- Islamic Society of Victoria-  Preston Mosque
68- Ararat Islamic Welfare Association (Ararat mosque)
69- Indonesian Muslim Community of Victoria (IMCV)
70- Masjid IMCV Westall
71- Masjid IMCV Surau Kita
72- Masjid IMCV Baitul Mamur
73- Wayfarers Lantern
74- Free Palestine Melbourne (FPM)
75- Benevolence
76- Bukjeh
77- United Muslim Migrants Association (UMMA) Doncaster Mosque
78- Bosnia – Herzegovina Islamic Society – Noble Park
79- United Sri Lankan Muslim Association of Australia (USMAA)
80- Islamic Society of Geelong – Geelong Mosque
81- Ahlulbait Mosque – Reservoir
82- Melbourne Somali Community
83- Coolaroo Masjid
84- Wartaqi Academy
85- The Sacred Land Initiative
86- Podium Productions
87- Australian Bosnian Islamic Centre (Deer Park)
88- Islamic Academy of Media and Art (IAMA)
89- Light of Hidayah Organisation Inc.
90- Daar Al- Imam Hassan Al- Askari Inc
91- Islamic Youth Organisation (IYO)
92- Arkan Toledo
93- Islamic Association of Australia – Tayyiba Institute
94- RMIT Islamic Society (RMITIS)
95- Monash University Islamic Society (MUIS) – Clayton
96- Islamic Society of Victoria University (ISVU)
97- Deakin University Islamic Society (ISDU) – Burwood
98- Swinburne University Islamic Society (SWINIS)
99- Monash Parkville Islamic Society (MPIS)
100- Bendigo Latrobe Islamic Student Society (BLISS)
101- Australian Islamic Centre (AIC) – Newport Mosque
102- Golden Wattle Mosque
103- Al Nur Quranic Institute
104- Muslim Public Health Professionals
105- Latrobe University Islamic Society (LUIS)
106- Australian Albanian Prespa Association Mosque (Reservoir)
107- Tohid Foundation Inc.
108- Uyghur Association of Victoria Inc.
109- Madania Foundation
110- Islam Empowering Women
111- Al Muntada Musallah
112- Australian MADE (Muslim Adolescent Development & Education) Inc.
113- United Women’s Movement Inc.
114- The Aleyasin Community of Australia
115- Free Palestine Printing (FPP)
116- Al Ehsan Centre
117- Masjid Ar- Rahman Ravenhall (Australian Sri Lankan Association Inc.)
118- Fair Dinkum
119- Muslims In Tech
120- Dar Al Arqam
121- Panjtan Society of Victoria
122- Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights
123- Pulse with Purpose
124- Islamic Education and Welfare Association of Dandenong ( IEAWAD) – Hallam Mosque
125- Islamophobia Observer Australia
126- Bendigo Islamic Community Centre (BICC)
127- Bint Al Huda Iraqi Women’s Association
128- Muslim Shiite Women’s Affairs
129- Australian Malay Foundation Inc – Victoria
130- Awaited Resistance Network
131- Islamic Forum for Australian Muslims
132- Free Palestine Melbourne (FPM)
133- National Zakat Foundation (NZF)
134- Albanian Sakie Islamic Society of Dandenong
135- Federation of Australian Muslim Students and Youth (FAMSY)
136- Human & Moral Development Centre (HMDS)
137- East Preston Islamic College (EPIC)
138- Hirak
139- Barakah Program Inc.
140- Bosniak Islamic Community of Melbourne
141- Melbourne Madinah
142- Melbourne Muslimahs
143- Australian Islamic Shia Council
144- iCAN – Islamic Circle of Australia and NZ
145- Ummah Directory
146- Sunday Simit Society

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