Reason #4 to subscribe, or, an appeal to off-road enthusiasts and readers of literature alike

We’re halfway through Subscriberthon week, so we’re breaking it up with some trivia (no prizes for knowing the answers; you’ll have to subscribe for that!). Shout-out to those who have already subscribed—thanks for bearing with us until Friday!

What is the OverlandMeanjin trophy made of?

  1. A carved emu egg
  2. A meat tray
  3. A commemorative statue of Ned Kelly’s helmet
  4. A longneck of VB

How many subscriptions have we received this year from confused off-road enthusiasts who think we’re the American 4WD magazine (also called Overland Journal)?

  1. 1
  2. 20
  3. 5
  4. 3

What classic Australian icon has appeared on the most Overland covers?

  1. A gun
  2. Christos Tsiolkas
  3. Full-body nudity
  4. Ned Kelly’s helmet

What was Overland’s founding motto:

  1. Temper democratic, bias Australian
  2. Temper Australian, bias democratic
  3. Democratically biased, Australian tempered
  4. Get on the beers

Answers are at the end of this page.

If you support the rich literature, poetry and essays in our (online and print) pages, show us by subscribing, renewing or donating during this one very important week.

Anyone who subscribes, renews, donates or gives a gift subscription until midnight Friday 10 November goes into three prize draws—major prizes, daily prizes and regional prizes—for the chance to win some very cool prizes (our coolest yet). You also get a year’s worth of great poetry, essays and literature to look forward to!

An annual subscription—which includes four print issues, the daily online magazine, invitations to subscriber events, discounted entry to Overland competitions, and other opportunities and giveaways—is just $70 full and $50 students/unwaged. We also have a $50 digital subscription, for those of you running out of space on your bookshelf!

Speaking of prizes, we are extremely thankful to our generous friends and supporters who made this year’s Subscriberthon possible! Read about them and their work here.

Major prizes


What’s in this major prize?

A stunning original artwork by Sofia Sabbagh, sponsored by the kind folk at CoPower: Snow Gums on Mt Bogong, October 2023. Oil and acrylic on canvas. 452 x 594 mm.

“This work is inspired by the snow gums on Mt Bogong, where I supported the research into the decline of bogong moths/debera on Taungerong and Yaithmatang Country. While bogong moths are a migratory, ephemeral keystone species in the ecosystem, snow gums are there all year round, glowing in the wildflower heathland and supporting the colourful community of plants, animals and humans. It is with grief that I paint the alpine region, knowing it is one of the communities most threatened by climate induced catastrophes.”


What’s in this major prize?

A double pass to each of La Mama’s primary season shows in 2023/24, plus 2 x drink tickets per show and the La Mama book (MUP).


A HUGE haul of House of Darwin goodies, the hottest 100% Indigenous owned, NT-based social enterprise around. This extra-special pack includes:

    • A pack of Salty Plums
    • A pack of HOD stickers
    • A HOD stubby holder
    • A HOD enamel mug
    • A HOD Barra cap (coal)
    • A HOD ABC tea towel

Today’s daily prize is …


What’s in this prize?

Regional prizes


What’s in this prize?

    • A membership for MARION writers’ centre


What’s in this prize?


What’s in this prize?


What’s in this prize?

    • A 1-year Meanjin subscription, plus a pack of back issues, and a Meanjin tote bag
    • UQP book pack of recent and newly-released titles


What’s in this prize?

    • An annual subscription to Voiceworks, plus back issues


What’s in this prize?


What’s in this prize?

    • Triple R membership and merch pack


What’s in this prize?


Trivia answers: a carved emu egg, 1, full-body nudity, “Temper democratic, bias Australian”

Editorial Team


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Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting writers, and publishing ideas and voices often excluded from other places.

If you like this piece, or support Overland’s work in general, please subscribe or donate.

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