Private school? I would rather—

Sam Wallman

Sam Wallman is a writer, illustrator and dockworker based on Wurundjeri country. You can follow his work here.

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  1. Nicely put cartoon… Don’t know about shitting bones but I do know we all have our druthers when it comes to schools of choice or not. I went to a private school from which I was expelled because I wouldn’t tell the Headmaster who it was that doused me with urine (not mine) in the toilets said Headmaster having a overhead view of the scene from a second tier verandah so knew anyway and later taught in the other system from which I was sacked for teaching the kids to think for themselves rather than teach said designated ‘facts’ of which there are too numerous to learn by heart and why fill kids’ heads with stale porridge anywise?

  2. Strewth Sam ! That’s where the captains of industry are trained to be the masters of hubris.

  3. 40% of people in Sydney go to private schools – most of them Christian, Islamic and other religions. That stereotypical image doesn’t really make much sense…

    1. Didn’t know that – good point. How easy it is to be stuck in some ideological (non logical) past.

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