Victoria's rainforests_1

Victoria's rainforests_2

Victoria's rainforests_3

Victoria's rainforests_4

Victoria's rainforests_5

Sofia Sabbagh

Sofia Sabbagh is of Irish and Palestinian descent, based on stolen Wurundjeri land. She works as an artist, illustrator and art therapist at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Her most recent work involved coordinating artists to illustrate the Palestinian journalists murdered by the IDF since 7 October. Her comics have been published by the University of Melbourne, Samandal comics, Overland journal, joCAT and more.

More by Sofia Sabbagh ›

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  1. Great work, Sofia:
    My observations are mostly to the west of Melbourne, but it seems every time I go bush I encounter more native forests clear-felled for plantations. I’m visiting the Otways now and witnessing it here. A few years back I returned to the south-west and was dismayed to discover the (unique) stretch of native forest from Portland virtually to the South Aust border turned into pine plantations.

  2. +1, yes, great work Sofia.
    Unfortunately this story is repeated in the Central Highlands (but you already knew that).
    I’ll be sure to share this.

  3. Fantastic illustrated explanation Sofia! Exactly what’s needed to get the story out simply. Only suggestion is to alter the 20% going to woodchips, to 80-90%. TRUE!

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