Published in Overland Issue · Uncategorized Self-portrait as fox with Arctic hare Damen O'Brien The worm of white on white, the whey and milk of white, the chalk on milk and the bone, break of bone, egg-wash and acrylic, ash, soft drifts of ash, hoarse coughs of ash, snow also, laid lightly on snow, piled on it, blindingly bright, blanched, bled and white static, brushed pallid, ivory as fluttered wings, alabaster as an empty bowl, wan drone as drowse in a muted horn, blank like a slogan, no, like a flag, clean, crisp, like cut timber, plain, spotless as sheets, as an accusation, as a cancellation. Can you see me? I said: can you see me? I am there, I am there, I am the killer in the centre of the picture, I am the tooth and the wound and the nail, white on the white on the white on the white. Damen O'Brien Damen O’Brien is a multi-award-winning poet based in Brisbane. Damen’s prizes include The Moth Poetry Prize, the Café Writers Poetry Competition, the Magma Judge’s Prize and the New Millennium Writings Award. His poems have been published in New Ohio Review, Arc Poetry Journal, Anthropocene, Aesthetica and many other journals. Damen’s first book of poetry is Animals With Human Voices. More by Damen O'Brien › Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting writers, and publishing ideas and voices often excluded from other places. If you like this piece, or support Overland’s work in general, please subscribe or donate. Related articles & Essays 14 February 202514 February 2025 · Poetry 9 to 5 Dave Drayton volunteer to clown / undermine an award / construct to heave / interfere in class / dismantle if civil / disregard no cause / freelance at ennui 6 November 20246 November 2024 · Poetry TV Times Kate Lilley I try out for Can Can after school / knowing I’m not cut out for the high kicks / Ballads chansons show tunes ok / I can belt out Judy Garland and all the songs from Oliver / “Who Will Buy”/”As Long as He Needs Me” / Wher-e-e-e-ere is love