Published in Overland Issue 234 Autumn 2019 · Uncategorized Introducing Overland 234 Jacinda Woodhead As I write this, we are still in mourning from a right-wing terror attack on Christchurch that took many lives, and damaged us all. Two weeks ago today, the true and brutal nature of fascism yet again showed its hideous visage. It is often difficult to put our reactions to such horror into words, but Giovanni Tiso, who recently moved into the editorial role at Overland’s online magazine, found many exceptional writers to do precisely that. In the week following the massacre, our writers reacted, grieved, raged, reflected and reckoned. ‘There is a tendency to think New Zealand is insulated from the rest of the world’s toxic discourse,’ observed Brannavan Gnanalingam. ‘That the Trumps and the Orbans and the Tommy Robinsons and the Le Pens are over there, somewhere else.’ The same is true of Australia. But what of the ideology behind this massacre? ‘It had been in the planning for years,’ wrote Faisal Al-Asaad, ‘and was committed by a white European on behalf of white Europeans, on what he believed to be unquestionably white European lands.’ Morgan Godfery interrogated this idea, too: ‘White supremacy can trace its roots – Māori would call it its whakapapa – to the nineteenth century and colonisation.’ Australia shares this settler past and continues to re-enact this violence in the everyday. As Gnanalingam noted, ‘Australia’s offshore detention gulags are clearly built on foundations of anti-Muslim sentiment.’ Racism, colonial occupation and consequence are confronted head on in this edition’s fiction works, guest curated by Evelyn Araluen and Jonathan Dunk. Consequences – those that already exist and those that can be conceived of – are taken further by Alexis Wright, when she hypothesises a world silenced by absent voices and stories. To borrow from Alison Croggon’s column on taxonomy: ‘Language. A key to freedom. A prison.’ Words do have consequence, as any writer or reader can attest. ‘It’s all of our responsibility,’ Lizzie O’Shea argued in the wake of Christchurch, ‘to correct the record with our fellow citizens whenever it’ – racism, Islamophobia, white supremacy – ‘is discussed.’ Read the rest of Overland 234 If you enjoyed this piece, buy the issue Or subscribe and receive four brilliant issues for a year Jacinda Woodhead Jacinda Woodhead is a former editor of Overland and current law student. More by Jacinda Woodhead › Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting writers, and publishing ideas and voices often excluded from other places. If you like this piece, or support Overland’s work in general, please subscribe or donate. Related articles & Essays 5 February 20255 February 2025 · Art A poetic argument for restitution: Isaac Julien at the MCA Sarah Schmidt Once Again... (Statues Never Die) invites viewers to engage deeply, rewarding those willing to invest time contemplating its layered narratives. Transformative in its complexity, seductive in its visual literacy, it offers a space for empathy, education, and debate, emphasising how museums can serve as platforms for confronting contested histories and inspiring social change. 4 February 20254 February 2025 · Indigenous Australia Teaching Palestine on stolen Indigenous lands Charlotte Mertens Refusal is not only possible, it generates different worlds. Refusal insists on the possibility of alternative anti-colonial futures and ways of being. Refusing the University’s erasure of Palestine involves a collective effort in thinking on how we will teach Palestine, the ongoing settler colonial violence and what this means for a place like Australia.