When you go as the spaces between wine&zoloft say you must at thirtyseven or some other too soon before old has a chance to grow in you before youth has time to loose you from his claws I will meet you at the edges of a body shaped like loss and trace the outline of your absence with smoke then take from the air the name of a man who smelt like river and spoke like distance Second surviving son to two generations of fathers to buried boys loved&beloved in your loudest lonely by the daughter to what I swear I heard you call deliverance too goodtoo good this eloquent offering of birdcage to gulls There are knowings I cannot tell you and things you do not know how to say between tradition and trauma there are nights when we meet voiceless in the shadow of oncewas gum the memory of leaf and branch the place where you want to die I know little of this ceremony have only collected for the coolamon carved from river red to carry water to carry child to carry smoke to carry you to those who watch and hope there will be place for you When you go I will be the one to tell the birds they will wait as I gather the eucalypt and tell me take them still living break the branch if you must
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