Published in Overland Issue 219 Winter 2015 · Uncategorized Editorial Giovanni Tiso Giovanni Tiso, guest editor This special Aotearoa issue of Overland is not about who we are. It is not about the experience of living on the other side of the ditch or being of this place. It is rather the continuation of the intellectual project that Overland has undertaken – to engage with contemporary questions and ideas, to look outward rather than inward – by a different set of writers, driven by the belief that this difference, this shift in perspective, can be a value in itself. Rather than settling on a theme, we tried above all to make the issue eclectic and surprising. In the essays, it travels from the kava circles of Tonga to the streets of Ferguson and Gaza; from the Waikato at war to provincial New Zealand in the 1970s; from the offices of the Daily Telegraph in London to the locations in which one might meet a whistleblower. Our contributors are a mix of emerging and established writers, all of whom are dissatisfied and searching. It is this dissatisfaction with the way things are – a yearning for other possibilities – that runs through the issue, and not in the form of a complaint but of a challenge. Morgan Godfery is masterful in his dissection of the political uses of history, while the stories told by Anton Blank and John Clarke are both personal and social. Nicky Hager applies his practical wisdom to the craft of investigative journalism, while Catriona MacLennan’s proposal for rape law reform connects with one of the key debates of our time. On a personal note, I am delighted to have helped bring these writings together. My thanks go to fellow editors Jolisa Gracewood and Robert Sullivan, to the wonderful Marian Maguire for the illustrations, as well to everyone who sent us their submissions. But above all to Jacinda Woodhead, for the opportunity and the much-needed guidance. Jacinda Woodhead, editor Australia shares a lot of similarities with New Zealand, including a language, migration patterns and, unfortunately, a history of white invasion. But the two countries also have strong traditions of resistance, both by their respective First Peoples and by left-wing movements opposed to colonialism and capitalism. This edition revisits the idea of a mutual literary culture, something first envisioned in 1952 by the Australasian Book Society, which produced, sold and distributed works from the region considered too radical for mainstream publishing. In this issue, Giovanni Tiso, Jolisa Gracewood and Robert Sullivan have brought together New Zealand writers, some new, others well-known, to make sense of this time and our shared role in it. It’s an issue that looks over the Pacific, without skipping straight to the United States. We look forward to continuing a shared tradition of writing and resistance. Start to read the issue. Giovanni Tiso Giovanni Tiso is an Italian writer and translator based in Aotearoa/New Zealand and the editor of Overland’s online magazine. He tweets as @gtiso. More by Giovanni Tiso › Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting writers, and publishing ideas and voices often excluded from other places. If you like this piece, or support Overland’s work in general, please subscribe or donate. Related articles & Essays 3 March 20253 March 2025 · Cartoons RIP woke, methed-up Ned Kelly Sam Wallman and Reuben Winmar Upon visiting the State Library of Victoria on a warm December morning, Sam Wallman and Reuben Winmar speculate on what Ned Kelly might get up to if he was alive today. 27 February 202527 February 2025 · ecology Keeping it in the ground: pasts, presents and futures of Australian uranium Nicholas Herriot Uranium has come a long way from the “modern Midas mineral” of the 1950s. However, in an increasingly dangerous, militaristic and volatile world, it remains a lucrative and potentially lethal metal. And it is so important precisely because of its contested past and possible futures.