Fair Australia Prize: Guidelines

2018 theme: new collectives, old struggles

About the prize

What does unionism mean to people today? What should be its objectives? How can we come together to make real change, now and into the future?

This prize encourages artists and writers of fiction, poetry and essays to be part of setting a new agenda for our future – to imagine a just, common future, and how we might get there together.

The Fair Australia Prize is made up of 5 x $3000 prizes and 3 x $1000 union member prizes. There are prizes for:

  • fiction (up to 3000 words)
  • essay (up to 3000 words)
  • poetry (up to 88 lines)
  • cartoon or graphic (180 mm wide by 255 mm high)
  • best overall entry by a migrant writer, artist or worker, and
  • three best member entries (for NUW, MEAA and NTEU members only); these $1000 prizes are awarded to member entries in any of the above categories

Entry to the Fair Australia Prize is free.


Prize guidelines

  1. This is a prize for original pieces, written in English
  2. Submissions must be unpublished (including online) and not under consideration by other publishers
  3. Submissions that have won or are under consideration in other competitions are not eligible
  4. Submissions will be processed electronically. Images must be jpgs or tifs
  5. The competition will be judged anonymously. The author’s name must not appear on the manuscript or the entry will be disqualified
  6. Multiple entries are acceptable, although each must be entered into the submission system separately
  7. The winning entries will be published by Overland
  8. Entrants must respond to the guidelines, background and materials provided
  9. The closing date is 11.59pm AEST, Monday 13 August 2018. Late entries will not be accepted
  10. The judges’ decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into
  11. The prize for each category will be $3000; for each member category, $1000


Enter the 2018 Fair Australia Prize