Overland at the 2018 Emerging Writers’ Festival

On mentorship

12 pm Saturday 23 June
State Library Victoria, Conference Centre

Mentorships can be rewarding and illuminating for both the mentee and the mentor, but how do you go about structuring this relationship? Former writer-in-residence at Overland Laniyuk Garcon, and her mentor Ellen van Neerven, reflect on their dynamic mentor/mentee relationship and the evolution of their writing practice. Presented by Overland. Details.

What editors want

2.30 pm Sunday 24 June
State Library Victoria, Conference Centre

Get the inside scoop on what to do and what not to do when pitching to your favourite lit mags. Find out about upcoming submission rounds, what these editors are looking for, and how to structure your pitch. With Annabel Brady-Brown, Amaryllis Gacioppo, Anupama Pilbrow, Alan Vaarwerk and Jacinda Woodhead. Details.


Pitch it! Magazine editors

3.45 pm Sunday 24 June
State Library Victoria, Conference Centre

Put what you’ve learned into practice and sign up to deliver a five-minute pitch one-on-one with an industry professional. These lit mag editors are always on the lookout for new and exciting voices, so here’s your chance to pitch them yours.

With: Annabel Brady-Brown (The Lifted Brow), Amaryllis Giacoppo (Verge),  Anupama Pilbrow (Suburban Review), Magenta Sheridan (Going Down Swinging), Tess Smurthwaite(Meanjin), Alan Vaarwerk (Kill Your Darlings), Jo Walker (Smith Journal) and Jacinda Woodhead (Overland). Details.


And in addition to the above …

Overland will have a trade table all Saturday, where you can stop by and talk with magazine  editors, peruse issues new and old, and maybe even try on some Overland tees.


Check out the rest of the 2018 festival program

Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting writers, and publishing ideas and voices often excluded from other places.

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