Pitch Perfect

6pm, Wednesday 15 June
The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

Pitch Perfect brings together leading publishers and editors to give you a unique behind-the-scenes perspective of publishing – how they best like to be approached by writers, how they discover new writers and your best pathways to publication. What’s the difference between pitching a magazine and building up to a book-length work? Is digital changing the way we submit? Are there better publication success rates for genre or literary, fiction or nonfiction?

With Cate Blake (Penguin), Jo Walker (Frankie), Cassidy Knowlton (Crikey). Chaired by Overland editor Jacinda Woodhead.

Tickets: $17 full; $15 conc/unwaged. To book.


Writers’ Night School: Poetry of the Eye

6.30pm, Wednesday 15 June
The Wheeler Centre (Workshop Space), 176 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

Hosted by poet Toby Fitch, this workshop will open your eyes to the potential of the poem on the page. By tracing historical examples of visual and concrete poetry — from ancient Greek to early modernist to recent local works — and then by assembling a visual poem of your own, you will learn to explode your poetry across the page, and not just from top to bottom or left to right — in any direction. Bring text (your own poem, another’s, or whatever you like) to reshape during the workshop.

Presented in partnership with Australian Poets Festival and Cordite Poetry Review.

With Overland poetry editor Toby Fitch.

Tickets: $35 full; $30 conc/unwaged. To book.


Pushing the Envelope

2pm, Sunday 19 June
State Library Victoria (Conference Centre)
179 La Trobe St, Melbourne

Breaking the mould can be a messy process – but what can be gained from breaking the rules of writing that we’re often taught? From electronic poetry to performance making, we’ve gathered five artists who push the boundaries of their chosen literary fields and forms to generate new perspectives and narratives for our time.

With Didem Caia, Rania Ahmed, andalltheglassjars (Mikaila Hanman Siegersma & Chi Tran). Chaired by Overland’s website producer Benjamin Laird.

This is a free event. To book.


It’s Not Easy Being Green

7pm, Friday 24 June
1000 £ Bend (The Chapel)
361 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

‘Being a writer means that you spend 5% of your time writing, and the rest of your time being consumed by jealousy.’ – Khalid Warsame, Twitter, 08/10/15.

Eight writers engage in an honest discussion about the times that they have jealously regarded their peers, how to manage this jealousy, and whether it can be healthy.

With Overland deputy editor Stephanie Convery, Khalid Warsame, Madeleine Dore, Tim McGuire, Michelle Law, Nakkiah Lui, Lorelei Vashti, Jane Harper.

Tickets: $17 full; $15 conc/unwaged. To book.

Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting writers, and publishing ideas and voices often excluded from other places.

If you like this piece, or support Overland’s work in general, please subscribe or donate.

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