Fiction submissions

Fiction submissions are currently closed.

NOTE: Overland’s current response period is up to 6 months due to the large volume of submissions received. We appreciate your patience as we carefully consider all pieces through multiple readings and endeavour to respond as quickly as possible.

Overland relies on its subscribers for survival. While all work will be read, we cannot guarantee response times to submissions by non-subscribers. You can support Overland by becoming a subscriber.

For the print magazine

 Overland publishes fiction by new, emerging and diverse writers (and some established authors) with a focus on work that is politically engaged, intellectually challenging and inventive, across a range of genres and styles. We actively look for new work from emerging writers in regional Australia. The payment for stories published in the print journal is $500. Our fiction editor is Claire Corbett.

Kindly note the following guidelines:

  • Due to the number of submissions our editors and volunteer readers receive, we ask that writers submit no more than one story for consideration at any one time. Please wait for a response before submitting other work.
  • We are currently only accepting fiction submissions from writers living and/or working in or around Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • All work should be submitted as WORD documents in 12pt Times New Roman double-spaced.
  • Please do not resubmit an edited version of a story already considered unless you have been invited to resubmit.
  • Please submit complete stories only, no excerpts from novels.
  • We allow simultaneous submissions, but please let us know if a story is accepted elsewhere.
  • Most importantly, read Overland. Reading Overland will increase your chances of publication. If you are familiar with the fiction we publish, it will show in your work.

Current Overland subscriber?
Click here to submit your story.

Not yet an Overland subscriber?
Click here to submit your story.
(Remember, you can support Overland by becoming a subscriber.)

For online

Overland publishes a series of Friday Fiction pieces online throughout the year, selected out of our print fiction submissions and edited by Claire Corbett. We don’t run a separate submission category for this, but if you would like a piece to be considered specifically for online publication, please include a note in your cover letter. Payment for online publication is $150.


The Copyright Agency Ltd is authorised to collect charges for photo and electronic copying of published material. Overland distributes money received for copying in the proportion of 80% to authors and 20% to the publisher. Copyright remains the property of the authors.