The only track on my iPod*

I cannot stop listening to this version of ‘Black Stacey’.

Saul Williams’s new studio album, Volcanic Sunlight, is rumoured to be available any day now.

*Could be a slight exaggeration.

Jacinda Woodhead

Jacinda Woodhead is a former editor of Overland and current law student.

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  1. why didn’t you call me /saul
    why didn’t you call
    why haven’t you called me saul
    why haven’t you called

    oh saul / you were true fit
    in skin tight red hips
    slammin’ black across the stage
    boa mohawk / war-paint / brown eyes
    & a lyric sheet of rage
    oh saul / you took my breath away

    the dive was jitter-bugged
    with bogan jail bait
    screaming hey / black stacey
    they call me black stacey
    oh lord / I didn’t trip
    your eyes were glued to me

    why haven’t you called yet
    saul / why didn’t you call
    it’s been five months / two weeks
    six days / nine hours
    & a heart beat / oh saul
    why haven’t you called

    that dope stage leap took
    two ribs / balls / vodka breath
    & an ankle burn
    from security / the words passed to
    your hands two years / the
    whispering was me / hey rock poet
    what / you got too full of famous
    to just dial & see
    why didn’t you call me /saul
    why didn’t you call

    that sweat wet chest / white t
    ripped to navel / rock rap
    wounded screams / a synth
    & sneakerfuls of cool / damn
    poet saul / you played me
    like a fool

    it’s been five months / two weeks
    six days / nine hours
    & a heart beat / oh saul
    why haven’t you called me
    saul / why didn’t you call

    you were true fit
    in skin tight red hips
    slamming black across the stage
    boa mohawk / war-paint / brown eyes
    & a lyric sheet of rage
    oh saul / you took my breath away

    (from by book ‘Gil Scott Heron is on Parole’ Picaro Press 2010)

  2. This is *fantastic* – I can see (hear!) why it’s so addictive already! Thanks heaps for sharing. (He reminds me a lot of Michael Franti live, by the way.. or maybe Michael Franti reminds me of him?)

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