volunteer			to			clown
undermine an award
construct to heave
interfere in class
dismantle if civil
disregard no cause
freelance at ennui
propagate an error
exemplify my fibre
embellish by fifty
oscillate in house
enumerate an order
formalise if plain
gravitate to price
overshoot at trade
foreclose on steel
kickstart by siege
conscript an agent
refashion so wrong
redeposit in Tempe
fulminate as fluid
sidetrack by sight
discourse on stage
profiteer to taunt
synergize an ethic
fundraise my reach
rerouting re route
namecheck at panel
misfiling or theft
commodify if stuff
barnstorm by worry
foreclaim to apply
overquote an adult
hamstring on havoc
ferhoodle or phone
spoonfeed my blame
remeasure re craft
sloganeer in forum
sleeptalk so fully
overstaff at night
globalise to stake
copublish my lease
lawyering at lunch
misinform by video
factorize if upset
pulverize on shelf
vacillate or choke
cauterize an ounc
mismanage my prime
barricade in power
actualize by moral
dislocate to learn
galvanize an idiot
compliant if needy
simulcast on glass
desperate to leave
terrorise my maxim
authorise no mercy

Dave Drayton

Dave Drayton was an amateur banjo player, founding member of the Atterton Academy, and the author of British P(oe)Ms (Beir Bua Press), E, UIO, A (Container), P(oe)Ms (Rabbit), Haiturograms (SOd Press) and other works.

More by Dave Drayton ›

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