Published 17 May 202428 May 2024 · open letter / Solidarity / Palestine “The students must be defended, the university reimagined”: a letter from Australia’s university academics and professional staff Australian University Staff in solidarity with students We, the undersigned, represent both diverse academic disciplines and various professional vocations at Australian universities, but we are united in our support for free speech on university campuses, student and community safety, and the peaceful and historically significant, student-led encampments established at ten universities across Australia. We work, teach, and research at these Australian universities, and we equally condemn the violence against these peaceful encampments, the relentless media campaign to demonise student protestors, and the refusal by university leadership to engage with the reasonable and urgent political demands of the liberation camps. In response to the widely condemned October 7 attacks by Hamas and affiliated groups, Israel has launched a vastly disproportionate campaign against Palestinians in Gaza and across the Occupied Territories. At least 34,800 Palestinians have been murdered in Gaza, most of whom are women and children; Israel has restricted aid and killed aid workers, engineering a dire famine; the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) have also targeted and executed over 100 journalists, silencing the besieged population; Israel has killed over 480 healthcare workers and captured 160 more, decimating health provision in the Strip; and the IDF have murdered over 5,479 students, 261 teachers and 95 university Prof.s, while obliterating every higher educational institution in Gaza, creating a scholasticide in the strangled Palestinian enclave. We echo the words of scholars and practitioners of international law and experts in genocide studies, eight United Nations Special Rapporteurs, and former ICC Prosecutors, among many others, who have warned of the possibility of genocide being perpetrated by Israeli forces against Palestinians in Gaza; a warning that was reaffirmed by the International Court of Justice that concluded there is a “real and imminent risk of irreparable prejudice” to the “right of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip to be protected from acts of genocide and related prohibited acts identified in Article III of the Genocide Convention”. The facts are incontrovertible. We are facing one of the greatest crimes of the 21st century happening right in front of us. Unsurprisingly, students around the world, including students at Australian Universities, have initiated peaceful protests that have various demands relating to ending Western government support for Israel’s attack, ensuring institutional divestment from complicit companies, and calling for an end to Israel’s war crimes in Gaza. We are proud of our students who have established peaceful encampments across Australia. They join the inspiring legacy of students in the frontlines against repressive and discriminatory forces, such as the Soweto Uprising in apartheid South Africa, the protests against segregation and the Vietnam War in 1960s United States, the 1965 Freedom Ride and ongoing First Nations and Indigenous struggles in Australia, and the contemporaneous Black Lives Matter movement. We reject the characterisation of these peaceful and urgent student-led protests and encampments by sections of the popular media and politicians as antisemitic. These camps are open spaces of learning, solidarity, and support for everyone, with many organisers and leading activists being Jewish themselves – they are not a threat. The explicit stance of these peaceful encampments against Zionist ideology is not antisemitic in any shape or form, nor is criticism of state policy. As Jewish, Israeli, and other expert scholars have long noted, Zionism is a settler colonial project that calls for an ethnonationalist state. Nor are the chants of ‘free Palestine’ or ‘from the river to the sea’ antisemitic or hateful, but urgent demands for freedom of the Palestinian people, and all people, in Israel and the Occupied Territories. We therefore demand that political leaders and media representatives cease their rhetorical attacks on, and vilification of, the student encampments, which only serves to foster hate, divisiveness, and ultimately violence in our community, as several attacks on the peaceful student encampments have already demonstrated. As academics and professional staff members at universities that host peaceful student encampments, we stand behind the student’s demands for their respective universities to divest from companies complicit in perpetuating Israel’s onslaught in Gaza, cut off relations from Israeli universities, as Israel’s universities are key tools of the apartheid system, and end all investments, agreements, and cooperation with any company involved in weapons research, manufacturing, or export. We call on Vice Chancellors and management at all Australian universities to immediately meet with students who are protesting on campuses around the country, and work with them in meeting their reasonable and urgent political demands, so that our institutions of learning are not complicit in war crimes and brutal violence upon the Palestinian people. We applaud the positive cooperation between universities and students already around the world already to end their institutional complicity in warfare and state-sanctioned violence, such as Trinity College Dublin, Evergreen State College, the University of Barcelona, the University of the Basque Country, and that announced by the representative Confederation of Spanish Universities, and we commend Sydney University’s National Tertiary Education Union branch for their May 9 vote to support an institutional academic boycott of Israeli universities and to cut ties with the weapons industry and militaries in general. Australian universities have a positive role to play in the Israel-Palestinian conflict, but it is only through listening to, and working with, students at the encampments that we can end both divisiveness on campus and injustice elsewhere. If you would like to add your name to the letter, use this form. If you wish the contact the organisers, please write to 1 Professor Kirsten Ainley Australian National University 2 Professor Ben Golder UNSW 3 Professor Karima Laachir ANU 4 Professor Luke McNamara UNSW 5 Professor Cherrie Zhu Monash 6 Professor Marilyn Cruickshank UTS 7 Michael Skinner Victoria University 8 Angie Sassano University of Melbourne; Deakin University 9 Jasmine Corbett RMIT 10 Nathan Fioritti Monash University/University of Melbourne 11 Phoebe Hayman La Trobe University 12 Tyler Gleason University of Melbourne 13 Dr Giles Fielke Monash University 14 Dr Liam Ward RMIT University 15 Ms Noor Alkazali Victoria University 16 Dr Jeff Sparrow University of Melbourne 17 Dr Blair Williams Monash University 18 Mr Todd Morley Curtin University 19 Emily Foley La Trobe University 20 Dr Mathew Abbott Federation University 21 Victoria Scheyer Monash University 22 John Brooks RMIT 23 Lanie Stockman RMIT 24 Dr Hamish McIntosh University of Melbourne 25 Tony Williams Monash University 26 Dr Tami Gadir RMIT University 27 Carol Que Monash University 28 Jill Pope University of Melbourne 29 Tasnim Sammak Monash University 30 Dr Dion Kagan UNSW 31 Bernard Saliba UTS 32 Dr Una McIlvenna Australian National University 33 Dr James Murphy University of Melbourne 34 Sinead Wilson Australian National University 35 Mrs Remah Ismail University of Queensland 36 Miss Adrienne Harvey Victoria university 37 Dr Sky Croeser Curtin University 38 Dr Samanthi Gunawardana Monash University 39 Mr Jordan Sorby University of Melbourne 40 Paddy Gordon Victoria University 41 Joshua Barnes University of Melbourne 42 Division President NTEU Adam Fernandes Monash University 43 Dr. Antonina Gentile Macquarie University 44 Dr Lenka Hadravova University of Melbourne 45 Bailey Sharp University of Melbourne 46 John O’Rourke Victoria University 47 Dr. Mohammed Alsudairi Australian National University 48 Mx. Bee Shumway ANU 49 Ms Lauren Joyce Victoria University 50 Scott Arthurson University of Melbourne 51 Dr David Brophy University of Sydney 52 Dr Samid Suliman Griffith University 53 Rita Manessis La Trobe University 54 Ms Courtney Vowles University of Melbourne 55 Mr Gabriel Curtin UNSW ADA 56 Associate Professor Erin Fitz-Henry University of Melbourne 57 Dr Kamilia Eriani Teaching 58 Associate Professor Jumana Bayeh Macquarie University 59 Ms Melissa Laing RMIT University 60 Dr Marcus Banks UTAS 61 Mr Aaron Siu Western Sydney University 62 Jake Davies University of Sydney 63 Miss An Nguyen University of Sydney 64 Aisha Ismail Monash University 65 Miss Angelita Biscotti University of Melbourne 66 Dr David Coady University of Tasmania 67 Brett Woods Victoria University 68 Jade Lane Burnet Institute 69 Janelle Young University of Melbourne 70 Joshua Ezackial University of Melbourne 71 Dr Kathryn Ticehurst University of Melbourne 72 Freyja Gillard La Trobe University 73 Dr Laura Ticehurst University of Newcastle 74 Jessica Murdoch Swinburne 75 Dr Elliot Dolan-Evans Monash University 76 Miss Ella Chaker Elsamad The University of Sydney 77 Khalid Al Bostanji Australian National University 78 Dr Ihab Shalbak University of Sydney 79 Associate Professor Jessica Whyte University of New South Wales 80 Ivan Kotzur WSU 81 Rosie Isaac University of Melbourne 82 Mr Christopher Doyle University of Melbourne 83 Dr Azza Zein University of Melbourne 84 Dr Elizabeth Chapman La Trobe 85 Dr Helen Hughes Monash University 86 Mx Morgan Jones University of Melbourne 87 Ms F. Lynch University of Sydney & University of New England 88 Dove Rengger-Thorpe University of Melbourne 89 Miss Israa Merhi Western Sydney University 90 Jessica Grimes Victoria University 91 Dr Sasha Wilmoth University of Melbourne 92 Morgan Flack University of Melbourne 93 Mr Kai Perrignon University of Melbourne 94 Georgia Peters University of Sydney 95 Dr Andrew Brooks UNSW 96 Thomas Weight University of Melbourne 97 Professor Amanda Wise Macquarie University 98 Professor Joseph Pugliese Macquarie University 99 Emeritus Professor Suvendrini Perera Curtin University 100 Dr Bronwyn Winch Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 101 Dr Lloyd cox Macquarie University 102 Lecturer Eugenia Lim University of Melbourne 103 Michael Graham University of Melbourne 104 Dr Julia Dehm La Trobe University 105 Dr Alistair Sisson Macquarie University 106 Associate Professor Hannah McGlade Curtin University 107 Tristen Harwood University of Melbourne 108 Mx Nicola Menser Hearn Monash University 109 Dr Sophie Rudolph University of Melbourne 110 Dr Ntina Tzouvala ANU College of Law 111 Monica Monash University 112 Dr Sara Dehm University of Technology Sydney 113 Dr Alam Saleh Australian National University 114 Dr Dylan Lino University of Queensland 115 Leila Kouatly Australian National University 116 Ruthi Hambling La Trobe University 117 Associate Professor Matthew Zagor Australian National University 118 Dr Anna – Nicola Henger University of Melbourne 119 Theo Tsalamandris Monash University 120 Jordana Silverstein University of Melbourne 121 Dr Greg Giannis La Trobe University 122 Monica Zen University of Sydney 123 Rosie Poulier University of Melbourne 124 Eve Warburton Australian National University 125 Ms Marci Bach SLAS (formerly ILAS) 126 Noam Peleg UNSW 127 Hoa Nguyen University of Melbourne 128 Lisa Radford University of Melbourne 129 Sarah Morley Monash University 130 Matt Beanland Monash University 131 Chloe Mackenzie University of Melbourne 132 Dr Matthew Taft University of Melbourne 133 Padraic Gibson UTS 134 Dr Nick Riemer University of Sydney 135 Dr Daniel McLoughlin UNSW 136 Mr Daniel Dunne University of Melbourne 137 Aoife Nic Dhiarmada La Trobe University 138 Hira Saud University of Sydney 139 Grady Fitzpatrick University of Melbourne 140 Anna Parlane Monash University 141 Dr Jason Todd University of Sydney 142 Debris Facility University of Melbourne 143 Lachlan Challis Torrens University 144 Nathan Gardner University of Melbourne 145 Vicki Sentas UNSW 146 Vice-President, NTEU VIC Fleur Taylor Victoria University 147 Lidija Alissa Melbourne University 148 Dr Daej Arab University of Sydney 149 Fahad Ali University of Sydney 150 Archie Barry University of Melbourne 151 Ms Heather Pate Edith Cowan University 152 Dr Markela Panegyres University of Sydney 153 Maria Matheas Uni of Melbourne 154 Gemma Tarpey-Brown University of Melbourne 155 Caitlin Parker The University of Melbourne 156 Ioana A. Dumitru University of Sydney 157 Anthony Cardamone The University of Melbourne 158 Dr Michael Karadjis University of Western Sydney 159 Dr David Egan Monash University 160 Ann Debono University of Melbourne 161 Ms Nadia Itaywi University of Melbourne 162 Laura Haidar University of Sydney 163 Dr Hannah McCann University of Melbourne 164 Dr Jonathan Strauss JCU 165 Danica Cheesley University of Melbourne 166 Michael McAuley Edith Cowan University 167 Conor Brett University of Melbourne 168 Nicholas Avery University of Sydney 169 Professor Sandy O’Sullivan Macquarie university 170 Dr Elizabeth Armari Monash University 171 Kate Clark Monash 172 James Blackwell Australian National University 173 Dr Archie Thomas UTS 174 Romi Graham University of Melbourne 175 Dr Dylan McConnell University of NSW 176 Jayden Walker Monash University 177 Claire Osborn-Li University of Melbourne 178 Kathryn Allan ANU 179 Dr Naama Carlin UNSW 180 Ms Joanna Williams Swinburne University of Technology, University of Melbourne, Monash 181 Dominic de Totto University of Melbourne 182 Sophie Cotton University of Sydney 183 Associate Professor Michael Richardson UNSW 184 Sahar Ghumkhor University of Melbourne 185 Sarah Schwartz University of Melbourne 186 Emma Russell La Trobe University 187 Jen Peden University of Sydney 188 Professor Corrinne Sullivan Western Sydney University 189 Dr Martin Clark La Trobe University 190 Ms Melanie Morrison The University of Sydney 191 Dr Oscar Davis University of Melbourne 192 Rachael Burgin Swinburne University 193 Dr Angela Smith Western Sydney University 194 Dr Francis Markham ANU 195 Maria Giannacopoulos UNSW 196 Dr Ruth Wells UNSW 197 Dr Stephanie Wescott Monash University 198 Stephen Pascoe UNSW 199 Dr Charlie Sofo Monash University 200 Jessica McKenzie Macquarie University 201 Clay Law La Trobe University 202 Dr Kate Mannell Deakin 203 Dr Lina Koleilat Australian National University 204 Roberta Pala The University of Sydney 205 Jules Rankin The University of Sydney 206 Kayla Clinch University of Melbourne 207 Emily Fitzgerald University of Melbourne 208 Carolyn D’Cruz La Trobe University 209 Ben Silverstein ANU 210 Michael Terren Edith Cowan University 211 Tom Short RMIT 212 Dr Erica Millar La Trobe 213 Kath Sellick University of Melbourne 214 Kate Rowe University of Queensland 215 Dr Sana Pathan Univeristy of Sydney, Western Sydney University 216 Dr Alexis Vassiley Edith Cowan University 217 Dr Richard Joyce Monash University 218 Amanda Wolf University of Melbourne 219 Nardia Bordas University worker 220 Andrew Whelan University of Wollongong 221 Ameena Payne Deakin University 222 Nick Cheesman ANU 223 Finola Laughren University of Sydney 224 Dr Jessica Marian University of Melbourne 225 Jon Dale University of Melbourne 226 Dr Jarrod Hore UNSW 227 Dr Jay Daniel Thompson RMIT University 228 Anton Mazandarani ECU 229 Dr Sian Troath Australian National University 230 Ruby Wawn UTS 231 Hiero Badge ANU 232 Dr. Christopher Bryant Monash University 233 Mr Mitch Alexander Monash University 234 Dr Rusaila Bazlamit RMIT 235 Emily Corbett University of Melbourne 236 Dr Aydogan Kars Monash University 237 Priya Dhanani Monash University 238 Susan Reid University of Sydney 239 Mx Matte Rochford University of Sydney 240 Dr Christian Gelder Macquarie University 241 Helen Stenger Monash University 242 Deepak Nair ANU 243 Ingrid Matthews UNSW 244 Yenni Hagman-Chafei University of Sydney 245 Sarah Attfield University of Technology Sydney 246 Susan Barnes Macquarie University 247 Jessie Moritz Australian National University 248 Dr Ghena Krayem University of Sydney 249 Jiashu Fang Australian National University 250 Brook Armstrong Macquarie University, WSU 251 Associate Professor Elise Klein ANU 252 Dr Jane Brophy University of Melbourne 253 Olivia Koh Monash University 254 Astrid Lorange UNSW 255 nicholas mangan Monash University 256 Tim White University of Sydney 257 Mr Guy Webster University of Melbourne 258 Ms Flavia Julius Macquarie University 259 Dr Zaidon Al-Falahi University of Sydney 260 Dr Lara Palombo Macquarie University 261 Harriet Sheppard University of Queensland 262 Dr Siobhan Irving UTS 263 Dr. Stanislaus Stadlmann Sydney Informatics Hub 264 Adil Hasan Khan University of Melbourne 265 Burcu Cevik-Compiegne ANU 266 Dr Benjamin Pope University of Queensland 267 Briony Galligan University of Melbourne 268 Associate Professor Samantha Owen Curtin University 269 Lecturer Charity Edwards Monash University 270 Edward Hurcombe RMIT 271 Associate Professor Alison Holland Macquarie University 272 Justin Owen Curtin University 273 Adjunct Professor Anna Gibbs WSU 274 Professor Fiona Probyn-Rapsey University of Wollongong 275 Taylor Hardwick University of Sydney 276 Zora Simic UNSW 277 George Lawson Australian National University 278 Nidhi Garg The University of Sydney 279 Dr Thor Kerr Curtin University 280 Dr André Brett Curtin University 281 Dr Justine Lloyd Macquarie University 282 Sam Wren Quan Sing La Trobe University 283 Dr Yung En Chee University of Melbourne 284 Dr Freya Higgins-Desbiolles University of South Australia 285 Mark Romei Monash University 286 Associate Professor Madeleine Dobson Curtin University 287 Dr Jack Desbiolles University of South Australia 288 Dr Pallave Dasari University of Adelaide 289 Dr Claire Weekley University of Melbourne 290 Dr Christopher O’Neill Deakin University 291 Dr Rachel Yuen-Collingridge Macquarie University 292 Professor Chris Nyland Monash 293 Beau Kent Deakin University 294 Rose Cleverly JCU 295 John Bourdouvalis Deakin University 296 Phillip Wadds UNSW 297 Dr Karen Crawley Griffith University 298 Natalia Maystorovich Chulio University of Sydney 299 Professor Asha Rao RMIT University 300 Dr Phil Chilton Curtin University 301 Dr Zahra Stardust Queensland University of Technology 302 Associate Professor Maria O’Sullivan Deakin University 303 Annisa Sabrina Hartoto University of Melbourne 304 Miriam Deprez Griffith University 305 Dr George Dertadian UNSW 306 James Macaronas University of Melbourne 307 Dr Zubaidah Mohamed Shaburdin University of Melbourne 308 Dr Catherine Hastings Macquarie Univeriaty 309 Dr Clare Southerton La Trobe University 310 Associate Professor Bianca Fileborn University of Melbourne 311 Grace Dulawan University of Technology Sydney 312 Dr Jessica Marian University of Melbourne 313 Dr Bushra Othman Monash University 314 Dr Ashkan Bahrani Monash University 315 Professor Fran Baum AO University of Adelaide 316 Samantha Seary RMIT 317 Malcolm Gillies University of New South Wales 318 Mrs Nidal Zrkoshe Western Sydney University 319 Dr Kiran Pienaar Deakin University 320 Andrew Stapleton Deakin 321 Dr Shannon Woodcock University of Melbourne 322 Dr Naomi Milthorpe University of Tasmania 323 Dr Kate Just University of Melbourne 324 Nicholas Tochka University of Melbourne 325 Mr Christopher Jones ANU 326 Dr Sanam Mustafa University of Adelaide 327 Dr Anna Carlson Queensland University of Technology 328 Dr Fahreen Alamgir Monash University 329 Dr Clare Land Victoria University 330 Claire Parnell University of Melbourne 331 Dr. Dianne Rodger University of Adelaide 332 Aidan Craney La Trobe University 333 Ms Mia Dunphy University of Melbourne 334 Trang Le Monash University 335 Dr Sara Cheikh Husain University of Melbourne 336 Dr Mridula Nath Chakraborty Monash University 337 Michael Errity University of Melbourne 338 Paul Prato University of Melbourne 339 Professor Ihsan Yilmaz Deakin University 340 Dr Eve Vincent Macquarie University 341 Aidan George USYD 342 Dr Randi Irwin University of Newcastle 343 Alison Pullen Macquarie University 344 Antoinette Abboud Western Sydney University 345 Michelle Giovas Monash University 346 Professor Samer Akkach University of Adelaide 347 Dr Abu Bakr Sirajuddin Cook Almiraj Sufi and Islamic Study Centre 348 Alan Hill RMIT 349 Mahin Wahla Monash University 350 Tristan Watson MPAC 351 Dr Nilmini Fernando Griffith University 352 Jack Hayes The Australian National University 353 Senior Lecturer Erin O’Donnell University of Melbourne 354 Roberta Joy Rich Monash University 355 Roanna Gonsalves UNSW 356 Professor Sujatha Fernandes University of Sydney 357 Kyle Harvey University of Melbourne/Monash University/University of Tasmania 358 Ashleigh Haw RMIT 359 Ms Maya Maulina The Australian National University 360 Associate Professor Crystal McKinnon University of Melbourne 361 Mr Thomas Leadbetter University of Melbourne 362 Mr Ulysse Thivisol University of Melbourne 363 Ms Coralina University of Melbourne 364 Pamudika University of Melbourne 365 Dr Lincoln Turner Monash University 366 Visiting Fellow Stephen Sherlock Australian National University 367 Dr Randa Abdel-Fattah Macquarie University 368 Miriam Neufeld Deakin University 369 Mr Christian Eva Australian National University 370 Mark Shorter The University of Melbourne 371 Matteo Dutto Monash University 372 Professor Bina D’Costa The Australian National University 373 Michael Edwards University of Sydney 374 Elliot Freeman La Trobe University & Monash University 375 Debbie Bargallie Griffith University 376 Ghassan Hage University of Melbourne 377 Ms Jessica Mamone Griffith University 378 Associate Professor Ben Etherington Western Sydney University 379 Selvaraj Velayutham Macquarie University 380 Matthias Boer Western Sydney University 381 Assoc Prof Tui McKeown Monash University 382 Melanie Ashe Monash University 383 Ruth Morgan ANU 384 Nur-ul M Alam Melbourne University 385 Jane Chen University of Melbourne 386 Joel Griggs University of Sydney 387 Dr Lachlan McNamee Monash University 388 Natalie Torun University of Sydney 389 Associate Professor Catherine Strong RMIT 390 Joseph MacKay Australian National University 391 Associate Professor Stephanie Russo Macquarie University 392 Natalie Ho Macquarie University 393 Ben Zala ANU 394 Dr Alexandra Garcia The University of Sydney 395 Bec Devitt Deakin University 396 Dr Kurt Sengul Macquarie University 397 Professor Reema Harrison Macquarie 398 Soon-Tzu Speechley University of Melbourne 399 Ms Amy Sargeant QUT 400 Mr Max Loomes UNSW 401 Fletcher O’Leary Flinders University 402 Dr Amy McQuire Queensland University of Technology 403 Dr John Pike University of South Australia 404 Mx Max Murano Monash University 405 Panda Wong University of Melbourne 406 Scheherazade Bloul University of Melbourne; Deakin University; RMIT University 407 Amra Lee ANU 408 Helen Verhoeff Curtin University 409 Joni Lariat University of Sydney 410 Caroline Wallace La Trobe University 411 Dr Anam Bilgrami Macquarie University 412 Kayla Greenstien University of Sydney 413 Bee Spencer University of Melbourne 414 Dr Ahmad Umar University of Queensland 415 Scott Burchill Deakin University 416 Mr Kane Stewart University of Technology Sydney 417 Emma Mitchell Western Sydney University 418 Liyana Kayali University of Sydney 419 Ms Ngaire Dowse University of Queensland 420 Dr Natasha Wilson University of Melbourne 421 Dr Coen Hird The University of Queensland 422 Bronwyn Beech Jones University of Melbourne 423 Samantha Mannix Swinburne University of Technology 424 Mr Nathan Dorey University of Melbourne 425 Imogen Richards Deakin University 426 Michael Lazarus Deakin 427 Eric Stacey Deakin University 428 Rebecca Cushway UTS 429 Faelan Mourmourakis Macquarie University 430 Alison Gibberd University of Melbourne 431 Aspen Belle Monash University 432 Dr Tamara Kayali Browne Deakin University 433 Dr Marty Hirst Monash University 434 Julia Lomas Monash University 435 Samantha O’Donnell University of Melbourne 436 Mr Hamza Hassan Deakin University 437 Jarryd Bartle RMIT University 438 Dr Elizabeth Strakosch University of Melbourne 439 Dr Stuart Rollo University of Sydney 440 Anne Wagner Monash University 441 Izrin Ariff University of Queensland 442 Cian O’Driscoll ANU 443 Dr Conor Hannan University of Melbourne 444 David Spencer University of Canberra 445 Ana Stevenson University of Southern Queensland 446 A/Prof Francesco Ricatti Australian National University 447 Professor Rob Moodie University of Melbourne 448 Ms Yacinta Kurniasih Monash University 449 Bill Skinner University of Adelaide 450 James Parker University of Melbourne 451 Dr Wajeehah Aayeshah University of Melbourne 452 Peter Ross UNSW 453 Dr Robbie Moore University of Tasmania 454 Anastasia Murney UNSW 455 Kate Clayton La Trobe University 456 Zachary Fehily University of Melbourne 457 Dr Kim Kemmis University of Sydney 458 Aaron C Rees University of Melbourne 459 Mr Patrick Lennard University of Tasmania 460 Shabnam Sabah Swinburne 461 Dr. Yassmin Khadra University of Queensland 462 Melanie Easton University of Queensland 463 Ruby Flack Monash University 464 Merinda Brown La Trobe University 465 Cynthia Mehboob Australian National University 466 Dr Mariam Tokhi University of Melbourne 467 Lana Tatour University of New South Wales 468 Associate Professor Jasmine Westendorf La Trobe University 469 Sophie Toocaram ACU 470 A/Prof Louisa Willoughby Monash University 471 Elena Gomez University of Melbourne 472 Dr Effie Karageorgos The University of Newcastle 473 Anna Cameron RMIT 474 Dr Tom Sandercock Deakin University 475 Annabel Dulhunty ANU 476 Emma Rayward University of Sydney 477 Rhonda Garad Monash University 478 Professor Hari Bapuji University of Melbourne 479 Margareta Windisch RMIT University 480 Stefan Solomon Macquarie University 481 Micaela Pattison Flinders University 482 Cassandra Lillis Griffith University 483 Dr Hassan Doosti Macquarie University 484 Lecturer Christian McCrea RMIT University 485 Claire Parfitt University of Sydney 486 Nick Apoifis UNSW 487 Eli McLean University of Melbourne 488 Johnny Bell Monash University 489 Maree Pardy Deakin University 490 Mx Sage Akouri Federation University 491 Nuri Veronika University of Melbourne 492 Dr Rosie Yasmin The University of Melbourne 493 Dr Mike Roberts UNSW 494 Dr Jeremy Patrick St John Monash University 495 Dr Aurelia Armstrong University of Queensland 496 Eli Todorovski Deakin 497 Caroline Lenette UNSW 498 Dr Maimuna Musarrat Western Sydney University 499 Tarang Chawla Monash University 500 Ryan McNeilly Smith University of the Sunshine Coast 501 Steven Chang La Trobe University 502 Dr Victoria Mason Murdoch University 503 Kanishka Jayasuriya Murdoch University 504 Dr Ian Wilson Murdoch University 505 Katie Maher University of South Australia 506 Adubi Plange University of Sydney 507 Daniel Elias University of Notre Dame Australia 508 Natalie Calleja University of Melbourne 509 Dr Kate Falconer University of Queensland 510 Dr Catherine Hartung Swinburne University of Technology 511 Martine Hawkes University of South Australia 512 Associate Professor Angela Rintoul Federation University 513 Jo Church University of Melbourne 514 Catherine Greenhill UNSW Sydney 515 Mr Amin Hanoun CPSU 516 Associate Professor Mary Anne Kenny Murdoch University 517 Colin Salter UNSW 518 Dakota Warren Monash University 519 Dr James Dorey University of Wollongong 520 Dr Natalie Osborne Griffith University 521 Tori Ball University of Melbourne 522 Bridget Keane University of Melbourne 523 Miss Katie Paine University of Melbourne 524 Panda Wong University of Melbourne 525 Harry Maher University of Sydney 526 Felix Pal University of Western Australia 527 Dr Caroline Lambert RMIT University 528 Mx Mish Colla RMIT University 529 Professor Sue Jackson Griffith 530 Louise Rak University of Newcastle 531 Catherine Orian Weiss CSU 532 Katerina Teaiwa ANU 533 Carrie Grace RMIT University 534 Dr Ariane Utomo University of Melbourne 535 Dr Rachel Killean University of Sydney 536 Dr Peter Slezak University of NSW 537 Dr Emlyn Cruickshank University of Melbourne 538 Hannah Wu University of Melbourne 539 Parvinder Kler Griffith University 540 Thao Nguyen RMIT University 541 Dr Madison Cartwright UNSW 542 Joon Youn University of Melbourne 543 Lucy Nguyen-Hunt University of Melbourne 544 Dr Supriya Subramani University of Sydney 545 Leah Jing McIntosh University of Melbourne 546 Ms Mia Casey The University of melbourne 547 Louise Monash 548 Tuba Boz RMIT University 549 Graham Pringle Griffith University 550 A/Prof Victoria Stead Deakin University 551 Lucy Van University of Melbourne 552 Jon Tjhia RMIT University 553 Isobel D’Cruz Barnes University of Melbourne 554 Sulagna Basu University of Sydney 555 Tania King University of Melbourne 556 Natalie Lowden University of Sydney 557 Isabelle Zhu-Maguire Australian National University 558 Dr Han Reardon-Smith Macquarie University 559 Jacquelyn Mitchell RMIT University 560 Jacob Coorey University of Sydney 561 Dr Jonathan Dunk Deakin University 562 Warren Armstrong University of Melbourne 563 Hugh Davies RMIT 564 Dr Anna Kosovac The University of Melbourne 565 Miss Giselle Woodley Edith Cowan University and Curtin University 566 Grace King ANU 567 Dr Glynn Greensmith Curtin University 568 Dr Alys Daroy Murdoch 569 Tom Chodor Monash University 570 Wei Huang Deakin University 571 Kayla Mildren Griffith University 572 Dr Nadia Rhook La Trobe University 573 Dr Javeria The University of Melbourne 574 Dr Evelyn Araluen Corr Deakin University 575 Professor Catharine Coleborne University of Newcastle 576 Kraanti Agarwal University of Melbourne 577 Sukhmani Khorana UNSW 578 Andrew Thomas Deakin University 579 Tammie Wong University of Melbourne 580 Dr Paul Taucher Murdoch University 581 Eloise Ross Swinburne 582 Niro Kandasamy University of Sydney 583 Associate Professor Anna Copeland Murdoch 584 Brandon Liew University of Melbourne 585 Georgia Caruana The University of Melbourne 586 Matt Novacevsi University of Melbourne 587 Miki Perkins University of Melbourne 588 Tinonee Pym La Trobe University 589 Michael Swadling RMIT University 590 Rachel Meyer RMIT 591 Ms Fran Miller-Pezo RMIT University 592 Dr Sophie Rigney RMIT 593 Nashy Universe RMIT University 594 Monica Dunne RMIT University 595 Paola Alioto RMIT 596 Eva Shteinman University of Sydney 597 Dr Nathan Bell University of Melbourne 598 Reina Takeuchi Queensland University of Technology 599 Clare Strahan RMIT University 600 Dr Renae Fomiatti Deakin University 601 Associate Professor Ravinder SIDHU University of Queensland 602 Rohan Spong RMIT 603 Dr Annie Pohlman University of Queensland 604 James Poynton RMIT University 605 Alexander Wallace Monash University 606 Dr Virginie Rey Deakin University 607 David Abbott University of Tasmania 608 Terri Ann Quan Sing La Trobe University 609 Tess Scholfield-Peters University of Technology Sydney 610 Yingde Han RMIT 611 Associate Professor Linda Leung University of Technology Sydney 612 Ben Juers RMIT 613 Kenzee Patterson Monash University 614 Dr Alexandra Sherlock RMIT University 615 Imogen Senior University of Melbourne 616 Nicole Lawrie RMIT University 617 Professor Emerita Krishna Sen University of Western Australia 618 Benjamin Hickey RMIT University 619 Jake Brown University of Melbourne 620 Shibaab Rahman UNSW 621 Dana Young University of Melbourne 622 Vince Marotta Deakin University 623 Dr Amie O’Shea Deakin University 624 Bek Bates University of Melbourne 625 Tom Moore Deakin University 626 Dr Trevor McCandless Deakin University 627 Murray Noonan Casual Academic 628 Jesse Ivelja Deakin University 629 Peter Azzopardi RMIT University 630 Dr Piper Rodd Deakin 631 Dr Sarah Strauven University of Melbourne 632 Rashna Farrukh ANU 633 Ange Pestell Deakin University 634 Dr Tom Cliff ANU 635 Alistair Macaulay Deakin University 636 Josephine Scicluna Sessional academic 637 Clare O’Hanlon Deakin University 638 Associate Professor Robin Rodd James Cook University 639 Louis Schetzer UNSW 640 Sango Mahanty ANU 641 Kara A Deakin University 642 Dr Mohammed Aldhulaee Deakin University 643 Nicholas Payne Deakin University 644 Ollie Cook Deakin University 645 Associate Professor Lia Kent Australian National University 646 Dr Patricia Pugliese UNSW 647 Kalai McDonald Staff and alumni 648 Maria Gemma Brown University of Queensland 649 Peter Biro Deakin University 650 Geoff Boucher Deakin University 651 Kate Chealuck Deakin University 652 Jennifer Keene-McCann Deakin University 653 Dr Oscar Roos Deakin University 654 Lincoln Then James Deakin University 655 Mr Nazryn Azhar Samar Deakin University 656 Associate Professor Anthony Ware Deakin University 657 Sean Bowden Deakin University 658 Mr Bradley RMIT 659 Natalie Kamber RMIT 660 Hannah George RMIT University 661 Dr Melathi Saldin Deakin University 662 Dani Andree RMIT University 663 Setu Taulealo La Trobe University 664 Dr Kathryn Dalet RMIT University 665 Milo Kei University of Newcastle 666 Dr Kat Taylor Australian National University 667 Amy Nethery Deakin University 668 Dr Samantha Balaton-chrimes Deakin University 669 Dr Christina David RMIT University 670 Dr Sarah Williams RMIT University 671 Claudia nicklason University of Melbourne 672 Dr Thomas Lalevée ANU 673 Megan Richardson RMIT 674 Dr Emma Whatman University of Melbourne; Deakin University 675 Sonia Cuni Deakin University 676 Eda Gunaydin University of Wollongong 677 Nejra Salihbegovic Monash University 678 Dr Alistair Welsh Deakin University 679 Dr Peter Ferguson Deakin University 680 Lisa van Toor Murdoch University 681 Harrison Croft Monash University 682 Dr Maddy Yewers RMIT University 683 Dr Thao Phan Monash University 684 Amanda Iliva RMIT University 685 Dr Janice Loreck University of Melbourne 686 Chaya Kasif Macquarie University 687 Lara Mesoga Deakin University 688 Genevieve Le Ban Macquarie University 689 Liv McQueen Deakin University 690 Jesse Clifton Monash University 691 Kristy Welch Deakin University 692 Jessica Fox Queensland University of Technology 693 Dr Simon Christie University of Melbourne 694 Michael Adams University of Wollongong 695 Dr Brendan Keogh Queensland University of Technology 696 Tim Deane-Freeman Deakin University 697 Timothy Neale Deakin University 698 Dr Eileen Clements Federation University 699 Nick Wurlod Deakin University 700 Dr Natalie Hendry University of Melbourne 701 Dr Nancy Hudson-Rodd University of Tasmania 702 Masyhur Hilmy UNSW 703 Dylan Griffiths The University of Sydney 704 Dr Eve mayes Deakin University 705 Dr Ally Bisshop Griffith University 706 Associate Professor Md. Moazzem Hossain Griffith University 707 Dr Souheir Edelbi Western Sydney University 708 Ema DemÅ¡ar Monash University 709 Professor Michael McDonnell University of Sydney 710 Paul Byron UTS 711 Katie Henry RMIT University 712 Dr Ned Curthoys University of Western Australia 713 Ricardo Rojas Monash University 714 Dr jon Piccini ACU 715 Matt Mason University of the Sunshine Coast 716 Oscar Davison Queensland University of Technology 717 Helen Kwok RMIT 718 Julius Adamson University of Sydney 719 Dr Yaegan Doran Australian Catholic University 720 Isabella Gullifer-Laurie University of Melbourne 721 Dr Nick Rose William Angliss Institute 722 Mike Beggs University of Sydney 723 Marilyn Stendera University of Wollongong 724 Mx Sonya Goldberg Monash University 725 Dr Jessica Ison La Trobe University 726 Kira Hughes Deakin University 727 Dr Christopher Mayes Deakin University 728 Dr Dave McDonald University of Melbourne 729 Ms Rafeef Abdulleah Deakin University 730 Sonia Qadir UNSW 731 Matt Marasco La Trobe University 732 Olivia Tasevski University of Melbourne 733 Ms Tina Kendrick University of Tasmania, University of Sydney 734 Dr Daniel McAvoy Deakin University 735 Stewart King Monash University 736 Dr Rebecca Clements University of Sydney 737 Dr Frank Yuan University of Sydney 738 Professor Adil Khan University of Queensland 739 Luke Horton RMIT 740 Dr Amanda Porter University of Melbourne 741 Dr Marjorie Jerrard Monash University 742 Associate Professor Jane Carey University of Wollongong 743 Safa El Samad Monash University 744 Alex Gerrans RMIT 745 Ezra Kneebone Monash University 746 Cassandra Byrnes University of Queensland 747 Associate Professor Ethan Blue University of Western Australia 748 Dr Joseph van Buuren RMIT 749 Mr. Q Hasan Deakin University 750 Dr Afzal Azeem Chowdhary Swinburne University of Technology 751 Mr. Sohail Raza Deakin University 752 Josie Marshall Deakin University 753 Dr Ann El Khoury University of Sydney 754 Joanna Cruickshank Deakin 755 Jasmine Chan Deakin University 756 Dr Eugenia Flynn RMIT University 757 Danny Carney University of Tasmania 758 Jessica Ciuciu Deakin University 759 Siân McIntyre University of Sydney 760 Miss Sahiba Maqbool La Trobe University 761 Mr Haris Jamil University of Melbourne 762 Colette Leber RMIT University 763 Dr Prital Patel University of New South Wales 764 Sarouche Razi ANU 765 Dr Natalie Trevino Open University 766 Dr Melissa Johnston The University of Queensland 767 Mitchel Cumming University of Sydney & University of Technology Sydney 768 Bree Carlton University of Melbourne 769 Dr Stefani Vasil ACU 770 Dr Michele Jarldorn University of South Australia 771 Victor Sojo The University of Melbourne 772 Nina Tory-Henderson University of Melbourne 773 Madalyn Grant University of Queensland 774 Dr Kate Sievert Deakin University 775 Dr Aleryk Fricker Deakin University 776 Nesam McMillan University of Melbourne 777 Emily Direen University of Tasmania 778 Iqbal Barkat Macquarie University 779 Rob Cunningham RMIT 780 Alex Burchmore ANU 781 Associate Professor Jaithri Ananthapavan Deakin University 782 Associate Professor Helena Liu Bond University 783 Dr Shakira Hussein The University of Melbourne 784 Dr Ekaterina Heath University of Sydney 785 Brenna Dempsey Monash University 786 Dr Joanna Tai Deakin University 787 Dr Clelia Timpone Monash University 788 Eureka Henrich UNSW 789 Caitlin Biddolph University of Sydney 790 Freya Langley Griffith University 791 Prof Asad Islam Monash University 792 David Carlin RMIT 793 Dr Adrian Farrugia La Trobe University 794 Ms Aleasha McCallion Monash University 795 Dr Jacqui Baker Murdoch University 796 Sarah Pinto Deakin University 797 Tito Ambyo RMIT 798 William Duan RMIT 799 Prof Rebecca Monson ANU 800 Melody Ellis RMIT University 801 Samson Keam Deakin University 802 Jenn Jorm University of Queensland 803 Emeritus Prof. Constant Mews Monash University 804 Anastasia Vassiliadis University of Melbourne 805 Noah Welllington University of Melbourne 806 Dr Balawyn Jones La Trobe University 807 Professor Adrian Cameron Deakin University 808 Robin Eames University of Sydney 809 Chantelle Doyle Deakin University 810 Cai Wilkinson Deakin University 811 Honni van Rijswijk UTS 812 Ben Green Griffith University 813 Dr Simon Copland Australian National University 814 Anna Cristina Pertierra UTS 815 Gerald Roche La Trobe University 816 Vicky Nagy University of Tasmania 817 Dr Briony Neilson University of Sydney 818 Daniel Marcantonio University of Melbourne 819 Dr Ben Gook University of Melbourne 820 Dr Sharlene Nipperess RMIT University 821 Judd Harding Deakin University 822 Diana Robledo-Ruiz Monash University 823 KZA Parker University of the Sunshine Coast 824 Dr Geraldine fela Macquarie University 825 Dr Mati Keynes University of Melbourne 826 Dr Beth Marsden Australian National University 827 Kate Jama University of Melbourne 828 Dr Zahra Islam University of Melbourne 829 Dante Aloni Monash 830 Joanne Zou Universit of Melbourne 831 Termy Cornall Monash University 832 Marina Campanella Monash University 833 Rebecca Scott Bray University of Sydney 834 David Giles Deakin University 835 Professor Peter Holbrook ACU 836 Dr Eloise Faichney University of Melbourne 837 Saika Sabir University of Melbourne 838 Dr Sarah Dean Deakin University 839 Associate Professor Shaun Wilson Macquarie University 840 Ana Rosa Marginson Deakin University 841 Antonio Traverso Curtin University 842 Mr Anthony O’Donnell La Trobe University 843 Dr Stuart Richards UniSA 844 Dr Sandy Boucher University of New England 845 Dr Dara Conduit University of Melbourne 846 Dr Indra Saefullah University of New England 847 Dr Tom Hercules Davies University of Melbourne 848 Kathleen Pleasants University of Melbourne 849 Sam stolke RMIT 850 Jeanine Leane RMIT 851 Jane Halson RMIT 852 Dr Jennifer Hamilton Universe of New England 853 Nicole Oke Victoria University 854 Sara Fernandes University of Melbourne 855 Nicola Creagh University of Melbourne 856 Adam Bartlett Swinburne 857 Rebecca Sheehan Macquarie 858 Dr Vicki Couzens RMIT 859 Dr Rojan Afrouz RMIT 860 Emily Cullen Rosenthal University of Melbourne 861 Professor Michael Head Western Sydney University 862 Jacek Anderst UNSW 863 Dr Ian Woolford La Trobe University 864 Dan Crowley University of Melbourne 865 Sarah Rogers University of Melbourne 866 Bryan Cooke University of Melbourne 867 Dr Oz Susler La Trobe University 868 Dr Kate Murphy Monash University 869 Costas Laoutides Deakin University 870 Professor Anne Kavanagh University of Melbourne 871 Sujith Kumar UNSW 872 Dr Daniel Lopez La Trobe University 873 William Hebblewhite University of Melbourne 874 Kathryn Hegarty RMIT University 875 Bonnie Beasant Deakin University 876 A/Prof Diana Johns The University of Melbourne 877 Lecturer Matthew Swan University of Sydney 878 Tyne Daile Sumner Australian National University 879 Dr Leonie Brialey The University of Melbourne 880 Percy Gurtler Deakin University/La Trobe University 881 Nathan Zhao Macquarie University 882 Sophie Knezic University of Melbourne 883 Professor Alison Young University of Melbourne 884 Dr Catherine Smith University of Melbourne 885 Hugo Branley University of Melbourne 886 Julie Blythe La Trobe University 887 Dr Sam Nicholls University of Adelaide 888 Tess Ritchie University of Melbourne 889 Dr Elese Trinity College, University of Melbourne 890 Grace Yee University of Melbourne 891 Hannah Lauren Murray University of Melbourne 892 Yvette James University of Melbourne 893 Lee Murray Monash University 894 Briony Anderson University of Melbourne 895 Mx Katie Wykes Swinburne University 896 Jamie Agland Monash 897 Carlos Morreo Trinity College, University of Melbourne 898 Sahar Ghumkhor University of Melbourne 899 Dr Fi Belcher University of Melbourne 900 Geoffrey Hondroudakis University of Melbourne 901 Mr Sebastian Antoine Salay University of Melbourne 902 Dr Sylwia Greda-Bogusz RMIT University 903 Dr Karla Elliott Monash University 904 Jacob Broom Murdoch University 905 Assoc. Prof. Jason Goroncy University of Divinity 906 Kate MacNeill University of Melbourne 907 Dr Sonja Petrovic SCC, University of Melbourne 908 Dr Lucy Van University of Melbourne 909 Nina Gilbert University of Melbourne 910 Sarah Vincent RMIT University 911 Dr Maree Keating Swinburne University of Technology 912 Ms Catherine Till Central Queensland Universiry 913 Shayma Taweel Australian National University 914 Mr Ben Tumney University of Melbourne 915 Dr Lis Kramer UNSW 916 Dr Sally Fitzpatrick UTS 917 Dr Gwyn McClelland University of New England 918 Dr Reihana Mohideen University of Melbourne 919 Associate Professor Susan Baidawi Monash University 920 Professor Chelsea Watego Queensland University of Technology 921 Adelle Mansour University of Melbourne 922 Charlotte Mertens University of Melbourne 923 Dr Elysia Evers Wilson RMIT 924 Chelsea Chum University of Melbourne 925 Reem Kaddour La Trobe University 926 Cassandra Seery University of Melbourne 927 Ms Elia Leitao Syd Uni Alumni 928 Dr Kemal Kurniawan University of Melbourne 929 Tony Birch University of Melbourne 930 Catherine Gow University of Melbourne 931 Emeritus Professor Glenn McConell Victoria University 932 Ruth Ratcliffe Flinders University 933 Dr Rowan Cahill Wollongong University 935 Professor Halim Rane Griffith University 936 Dr Sangeetha ChandraShekeran University of Melbourne 937 Les Thomas Monash University 938 Sally Vivian RMIT and University of Melbourne 939 David Denborough University of Melbourne 940 Dr Julia Hamilton Macquarie University 941 Dr Kylie Mirmohamadi La Trobe University 942 Dr Elizabeth MacFarlane University of Melbourne 943 Uswa Qureshi University of Melbourne 944 Ms Ayesha Monash University 945 Dr Kim Alley University of Melbourne 946 Dr Anna Kate Blair University of Melbourne 947 Jocelyn Richardson University of Melbourne 948 Professor Thalia Anthony UTS 949 Eliza Oliver-Pullen University of Melbourne 950 Jack Yasmineh UTS 951 Rosie Joy Barron The University of Newcastle 952 Dr Jessie Webb University of Melbourne 953 Belinda O’Connor La Trobe University 954 Denise Becker Deakin University 955 Dr Amy Way Griffith University 956 Mr. Shengde Sean Zhang University of Melbourne 957 Natalie Lindner ACU 958 Dr Simona Castricum University of Melbourne 959 Dr Nisha Thapliyal University of Newcastle 960 Dr Fiannuala Morgan University of Melbourne 961 Kareen Adam Monash University 962 Mr Tony Kevin Australian National University 963 Em Johnson Swinburne 964 Dr Robyn May Griffith University 965 Alison Evans University of Melbourne 966 Joni Rush University of Melbourne 967 Emma Healy University of Queensland 968 Dr Suneel Jethani UTS 969 Dr Naomi Parry Duncan University of Tasmania 970 A/Prof Daniel Huppatz Swinburne University 971 Alex Kelly University of South Australia 972 Catherine Kevin Flinders University 973 Dr Natasha Jansz The University of Melbourne 974 Dr Marion Cincotta La Trobe University 975 Associate Professor Barbara Baird Flinders University 976 Dr Dave Drayton UTS 977 Sutapa Kabir Howlader The University of Melbourne 978 Dr Trudy Clutterbok ACAP 979 Dr Robin Laycock RMIT 980 Dr Maureen Murphy University of Melbourne 981 Kylie Tran University of Melbourne 982 Vannessa Hearman Curtin University 983 Dr Michael Grewcock UNSW 984 Professor Devleena Ghosh University of Technology Sydney 985 Associate Professor Dr Katey Coleman University of Melbourne 986 Dr Tegan Podubinski University of Melbourne 987 Dr Claire Thomas University of Melbourne 988 Dr Natasha Story University of Melbourne 989 Dr Alaa Abdul-Ridha The University of Melbourne 990 Tara McDowell Monash University 991 Lucy Napthali University of Melbourne 992 Bronwyn Hughes RMIT University 993 Professor Jeffrey Soar University of Southern Queensland 994 Adrianna Connelly La Trobe University 995 Dr Rebecca Mayo ANU 996 Dr Andonis Piperoglou University of Melbourne 997 Assoc Professor Chaitanya Sambrani ANU 998 Michael Thomson University of Sydney 999 Sharon Crozier-De Rosa University of Wollongong 1000 Imran Lum University of Melbourne 1001 Dr Autumn Royal University of Melbourne 1002 Jeannine Baker University of Newcastle 1003 Professor Jane Simpson Australian National University 1004 Dr Nick Robinson University of Melbourne 1005 Dr Daphne Nash The University of Queensland 1006 Dr Jaya Keaney University of Melbourne 1007 Emeritus Professor Jim Ife Curtin University 1008 Dr Sonia Tascon Curtin University 1009 Xavier Harvey University of Wollongong 1010 Zenobia Ahmef RMIT 1011 Jacqui Shelton La Trobe University 1012 Benjamin Thomson RMIT 1013 Therese Keogh University of Melbourne 1014 Dr Louisa King UTS 1015 Jessica Neath Monash University 1016 Anisa Puri ANU 1017 Lucia Sorbera The University of Sydney 1018 Lucy Chetcuti Professional Staff 1019 Dr Andy Kaladelfos University of New South Wales 1020 Dr Shima Shahbazi Western Sydney University 1021 Professor Emeritus Kim Economides Flinders University 1022 Mitchell King University of Melbourne 1023 Jo Williams University of Melbourne, Deakin University 1024 Dr Timothy Laurie University of Technology Sydney 1025 Dr Jess Hambly ANU 1026 Rohan Byrne University of Melbourne 1027 Professor Alana Lentin Western Sydney University 1028 Dr Matthew Stavros The University of Sydney 1029 Zachary Seymour Student 1030 Lucy Irvine ANU 1031 Elliot Downes ANU 1032 Kate Teggelove University of Melbourne 1033 Mr James Gardiner The University of Sydney 1034 Dr S A Hamed Hosseini University of Newcastle 1035 Dr Julie Macken Western Sydney University 1036 Ivo Lovric ANU 1037 Katie Wood University of Melbourne 1038 Dr Antonia Rubino University of Sydney 1039 A/Prof Meera Ashar ANU 1040 Dr Marcelo Svirsky University of Wollongong 1041 Louise Cain University of Melbourne 1042 Emeritus Professor JANE KENWAY Monash University 1043 Dr David Nolan University of Canberra 1044 A/Prof Daniel von Sturmer Monash University 1045 D’Arcy Newberry-Dupé The University of Newcastle 1046 Dr Guy Gillor University of Melbourne 1047 Alice Loda UTS 1048 Associate Professor David M. Pritchard The University of Queensland 1049 Dr David Singh QUT 1050 Associate Professor Olivia Barr University of Melbourne 1051 Dr Felicity Castagna Western Sydney University 1052 Shelly McGrath University of Newcastle 1053 Dr Christian Rizzalli University of Queensland 1054 Professor Rachel Ankeny University of Adelaide 1055 Bianca Jewell Swinburne University 1056 Stanley Zhang Griffith University 1057 Daniel Neser University of South Austalia 1058 Lucas Maddock RMIT University 1059 Emer. Prof. Tamara Jacka ANU 1060 Mr Paul Russell Victoria University 1061 Kim Munro University of South Australia 1062 Dr Shweta Kishore RMIT 1063 Mr Robbie Rowlands RMIT 1064 Dr Jennifer Stevens-Ballenger La Trobe University 1065 Dr Dana Chahal RMIT 1066 Sam Lewis UNSW 1067 Paul Dibley-Maher University of Queensland 1068 Melissa Poynton RMIT University 1069 Paul Ritchard RMIT 1070 Eliza Carter Macquarie University 1071 Dr Margaret Mayhew University of Melbourne 1072 Kiloran Hiscock University of Melbourne 1073 Matthew Bourke RMI Image by Angelita Biscotti Australian University Staff in solidarity with students More by Australian University Staff in solidarity with students › Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting writers, and publishing ideas and voices often excluded from other places. If you like this piece, or support Overland’s work in general, please subscribe or donate. 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