I stan this leaf I’m sweating from my knees in February each time I fall I vow to pick myself up & create a beautiful bouquet of weeds (poems) for you laying on my back in my lunchbreak instead of taking the day as unpaid leave the forecast said 34 but it’s surely less underneath this canopy pleasant & bucolic were it not for the car race complicating in the sonic foliage one day for rest one for partying one for personal admin that’s what we’re fighting for right leaf? apparently its good for anxiety sufferers to walk barefoot over rocks & all of a sudden I am living for the dry creek bed no one is talking about the weight of sky against cloud of the tree’s outline against cloud against sky I like staying at my sister’s house so I can indulge in crap tv & Arizona iced tea I’m enjoying my first cup of coffee for the day despite having had two already I guess it’s sort of meditative(?) sitting quietly in nature thinking: where are your friends tonight? it’s as if Elon Musk took over the hive & now all the bees are disappearing I love how nonbinary clouds are I am still long enough for my eyes to pixelate
Image: Shawn Kenessey