Grief and Bereavement

The experience of grief is inevitable in the wake of loss. However, not only in the aftermath of the death of loved one, but also the loss of someone despised or one with little time spent. These selected pieces demonstrate a vast variety of perspectives, each a unique expression of the human heart, body, and mind navigating the depths and complexities of grief. As Marg Hooper’s 2021 essay title suggests, ‘Death is for Everyone’. That is to say, the experience of grief is an individual journey, in which one attempts to find solace and acceptance in unique ways. This collection is comprised of not only short fictions, but also of poems and personal essays and additionally, not only explore the grief of people, as John Jenkins poem ‘The Museum of Wishes’ explores the magnitude of missed opportunities and shelved dreams we may grief upon reflection. While a personal experience, grief and bereavement are experienced by all, and it is through works such as these that we may find comfort and empathy.

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