Poetry | News of the week (for women)

M.J. Moriarty of Redfern found his wife

dead in the kitchen

                                         with her throat cut.


A married woman named O’Connor

                            died suddenly at Armidale.


The coroner refused

to give a death certificate until the contents

                                                     of the stomach

                                                     had been analysed.


The body of Mrs Emma Gee, of Surry Hills,


                                         was found dead in Mr A. Stuart’s

private baths at Como.


Mrs Minnie Woolner, of Marrickville, died

in the Alfred Hospital

                                          from carbolic acid poisoning.


Lady and Miss Steere were thrown

                                                                     out of a buggy

in Blackwood, W.A., Miss Steere’s ankle

being broken.


The body of Miss Bessie Gibson, missing from Manly

                                                                     since Nov. 1,

was found in the surf at Freshwater.


A verdict of suicide while under the influence

of drink was returned in the case

                                         of Emily Anderson,

                                                       a married woman,

found drowned at Broken Hill.


The Countess of Dudley, wife of the Governor-General,

has had to undergo

                                         a second serious surgical operation.


Mrs Blanche Maynard, after a quarrel

                                                       with her husband,

took lysol, and was conveyed

to the Melbourne Hospital.


Elizabeth Grace Clabburn, a married woman,

                                                                 was drowned

in a dam at Zeehan, Tas.

When recovered, the body was quite


            An open verdict was returned.






Note: All events reported in The Worker (Wagga/Sydney), November – December 1910 in the column ‘News of the Week’.



Jane Gibian

Jane Gibian is a poet and librarian whose new collection of poetry, Beneath the Tree Line, will be published by Giramondo in 2021.

More by Jane Gibian ›

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  1. Great piece of investigative poetry. Thanks for the courage to research and convey this pattern of women’s deaths in its period documentary language.

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