The housing crisis is a choice made by the state

Sam Wallman

Sam Wallman is a writer, illustrator and dockworker based on Wurundjeri country. You can follow his work here.

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  1. Judging by the sudden increasing evidence of homelessness on the streets of Brisbane, I suspect the same thing – ie homeless people evicted from international student hostels – has recently happened in Brisbane too. Does anyone know?

  2. Sam,this is a brilliant piece of Trade Union Art reminiscent of the trade union movement of the 1920’s and 1930’s as a former UK Transport and General Workers Union Shop Steward and Margaret Thatcher Victim I greatly appreciate this work.I re-entered union activism as a AWU rep around two years ago after the four year stagnation of EBA negotiations.A bit of negotiation and the offer to go to to Fair Work Commission broke the stalemate.
    This Morrison Conservative government believes they have cowed the population into acquiescence, people are scared to “Rock the Boat” or take action. People have been under the thumb of the Abbot, Turnbull, Morrison Tory bullshit for too long. Stagnant Wages and conditions, Greedy people placing short term greed over the needs of people requiring long term secure rental accommodation. The list goes on. Margaret Thatcher did not kill me.I will always hate and despise her for what she did to the Northern Half of the UK from the Midlands through to Scotland.Get out of apathy and elect this pathetic government out.

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