The Day of You
Here at Overland, we are all about inclusiveness and diversity, and we know that our readers come in all shapes and sizes. We understand that out there, reading Overland, are poetry lovers, politics fiends, literary lovers, news junkies and everything in between. And we want you to know that we value every one of you. Without you, Overland couldn’t exist – and that’s why we’re kicking off the Subscriberthon with the Day of You. It’s you that we’re calling upon to top up the subscription for another year so to give you a little more encouragement, today you’ll find prizes individually tailored to all sorts of Overland readers.
Today’s prizes include (alongside the massive major prizes listed below) a series of prizes designed to let you pamper yourself.
I’m a Writer and I’m Broke Pack
Membership for a year to Writers Victoria (valued at $65), plus a collection of books including How to Read a Novelist by John Freeman (Text), Blasphemy by Sherman Alexie (Scribe), The Best Australian Essays: A Ten-Year Collection (Black Inc).
I’m a Badass and I read Badass Books Pack
A $40 voucher from Faster Pussy Cat, plus books including Bad Lands: Australia’s 13 Most Intriguing True Murders by Liam Houlihan (MUP), Staunch by Ginger Briggs (Affirm), Under Stones by Bob Franklin (Affirm) and Black Tide by Peter Temple (Text).
I like Sports and I Read Pack
A free standard service from Fitzroy Revolution bicycle shop (valued at $125) and the books Collingwood: A love story by Paul Daley (MUP), The Queen of Katwe by Tim Crothers (Scribe), Bad Debts by Peter Temple (Text), Slow Tracks: A Canter Through Victoria and Country Races by Jude Fitcher (Affirm).
I’m an Overland Reader and I’m Proud of It
Free extra subscription to Overland to give to a friend (valued at $54), a bottle of Platypus Gully wine and some Fair Trade chocolate from Monsieur Truffe.
Everyone also goes into the draw for the Major Prizes.
Free Books, Movies and Magazines Almost Forever Major Prize Pack
Unlimited movies for a year from Video Dogs (valued at $500), a year’s subscription to Meanjin (valued at $80), a lifetime subscription to Overland (priceless), a $50 voucher to Mag Nation, latest model Kobo reader (valued at $150) and a $300 box of new titles from Gleebooks.
Take Me Back to Hipster Heaven Major Prize Pack
A $50 voucher to Cookie, a $50 voucher to Searchers Books and Records, a guitar lesson from My Side of the Mountain Music Tuition (valued at $40), an $85 voucher to Miss Gertrude Hair Salon, two double passes to Rooftop Cinema (valued at $80), four free Bubble Cup cocktails at the Toff in Town (valued at $40), The Everfresh Blackbook: Melbourne Graffiti and Street Art by Everfresh Studio (Miegunyah Press) and a selection of books from Affirm Press.
I’m an Anticapitalist and I Shop Major Prize Pack
A Fair Trade Coffee Gift Pack from Jasper’s Coffee (valued at $120), A hamper of Fair Trade chocolate treats from Monsieur Truffe (valued at $68), the latest model Kobo mini reader (valued at $100), A voucher from Monster Threads for a t-shirt of your choice (valued at $35), a $75 voucher from Mrs Secondhand Vintage Furniture and a selection of books including Money Shot by Jeff Sparrow (Scribe), The Unfair Trade by Michael Casey (Scribe), Octopus: Sam Israel, The Secret Market and Wall Street’s Wildest Con by Guy Lawson (Scribe), Peace With Justice: Noam Chomsky in Australia edited by Clinton Fernandes (Monash University Press) and Feeding on Dreams: Confessions of an Unrepentant Exile by Ariel Dorfman (MUP).
Culture Vulture Major Prize Pack
Eight double passes to Kino Cinemas (valued at $288), a double pass to a Melbourne Theatre Company performance (valued at $200), a double pass to a Malthouse Theatre performance (valued at $80), a membership to ACMI (valued at $60), a $50 voucher to Movie Reel video rental, a double pass to the Rooftop Cinema (valued at $40), and a selection of books including India Calling: An Intimate Portrait of a Nation’s Remaking by Anand Giridharadas (Black inc), Griffith Review: Small World, A Thousand Tiny Truths by Kyo Maclear (Pan Macmillan), The Last Thread by Michael Sala (Affirm Press) and When We Think about Melbourne: The Imagination of City by Jenny Sinclair (Affirm Press).