The Occupy movement that spread across the globe in 2011 saw a revival of extra-parliamentary politics and sweeping debates about the idea of democracy. It was a movement ignited by the Arab Spring, but one that spread all over the world, including to Australia.
Overland put a callout for an Occupy issue last year. Since then, the movement’s circumstances have changed considerably – Occupy Melbourne no longer resides in City Square, Occupy Sydney has no permanent camp. Can the movement continue now that many of the occupations no longer have a demarcated physical space?
Across the world, the police response to various occupations has been extreme; just over the weekend Occupy Oakland took to the streets in another confrontation with police.
In the wake of economic crises, political atomisation and an increase in militarised policing, what does the Occupy movement mean?
And what of Europe? How is the economic crisis there influencing a world caught in the throes of protest?
There is much to debate. The special online edition of Overland is intended as a contribution to the discussion.
Occupy – Features
Sean Scalmer – ‘The world of all of us’
Occupying historyElizabeth Humphrys – From Global Justice to Occupy Everywhere
The antecedents to a new movementJude McCulloch and David Vakalis – Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue
Militarised policing and Occupy MelbourneAli Alizadeh – The revolution to come?
Revolutions past and presentOccupy – The view from Europe
Giovanni Tiso – Europe’s Perfect Ruins
The crisis on the continent