Now that we know what you think

204-cover-224x300We’d like to say a gigantic thankyou to everyone who participated in the Overland readers survey. We had nearly 500 responses, more than we expected, and we learned some fascinating things about you:

Firstly, you clearly have good taste. Secondly, you could be any age, and are fractionally more likely to be a woman. Many of you are here for the politics and culture, and quite a number of you are writers. More importantly, though, we learned what you think does and doesn’t work in Overland, information that will be used to shape our magazine into the future, in print and online.

But all of that’s possibly more interesting to us. What you want to know is who won the prizes, right?

Drum roll.

Congratulations to Marilyn Linn on her lifetime subscription and John Campbell on his crate of wine.

And thanks again for your feedback, and for helping us to build a better magazine.

Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting writers, and publishing ideas and voices often excluded from other places.

If you like this piece, or support Overland’s work in general, please subscribe or donate.

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  1. Hi Overland, thanks for the survey (nice to have one’s preferences taken into account) and thanks for the journal. I have found Emmet Stinson’s ‘Vanity Fair’ about self-publishing in a digital age fantastically or, more accurately, realistically informative. Don’t know if it’s just me, but I find it hard to get an overview on digital publishing and how it affects and will continue to affect writers and the publishing industry.

    Re the survery, I did think it was a little frustrating that some of the questions would only accept one answer. I read the journal for many reasons!

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