What can you expect from a couple of musicians – albeit, ‘well-schooled, culture-crossing MCs drop[ping] nuggets of sharp social commentary’ – with a self-described style of ‘deconstructionist’, who cite Edward Said and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak as their influences?
If you were thinking: possibly a critique of race, class, ethnicity and pop culture framed through a theoretical lens resulting in irreverential hip-hop, you may be close.
Das Racist also gives us
• ‘You Oughta Know’:
• ‘Chicken and Meat’:
• ‘Rainbows in the Dark’:
• Their debut album available for free on the Internet
• Payback. Author John Green tweeted earlier this year that he didn’t know what Pat Robertson’s afterlife would look like, but knows what it:
That’s quite the compliment. Meanwhile, Death & Taxes magazine described ‘Combination Pizza Hut & Taco Bell’ as ‘an existential meditation on consumer identity in corporate America’ and ‘both feverishly juvenile and somehow profound’.
Dear Farley Katz,
While I appreciate you taking the time to blog about our viral art-rap song, I’m sorry to say your journalistic approach lacked vigor. When referring to our alma mater, you mentioned “the dean of Wesleyan’s twin monocles,” when it is a highly-publicized fact that Dean Charles Peyton Randolph Cottonbaron has three monocles. I have no idea how this got past the fact checkers. This is lazy journalism, pure and simple. I notice you’re a cartoonist and a gentleman with a history of dueling. I challenge you to a cartoon-off.
Victor Vazquez
• Demands that Sasha Frere-Jones ‘Stop trying to kill rap’, and haiku rebuttals:
Hip-hop dies each year.
How many lives hip-hop got?
Is hip-hop a cat?2
This ain’t reverting
back to your mom’s disco dog.
Elder statesmen! Dads!
Turn down that autotune, son!
Your jeans are skinny!22
Hip-hop is not dead.
Polka is dead. It died and
is not coming back.
In case you couldn’t tell, I’m utterly enamoured with these guys, and thought maybe, it’s possible, you might feel similarly.