Well, in one short sleep the First Annual Overland Subscriberthon will draw to a close. I know, right? We can scarcely believe it ourselves. We’ve had some robust debate [not always constructive or polite but hey, you gotta break a few eggs etc.], some top quality guest posting, some dangling of prizes in front of your nose and guess what else? WE’VE HAD A LOT OF YOU SUBSCRIBE. So consider us practically in love with all of you. We’re basically married now.
Those of you who did subscribe might win one of these:
Readings National Prize* – for those who can’t get to Greater Melbourne, a selection of audio-visual delights comprising CDs and DVDs will wing its way to a lucky winner.
Sex and Death Prize* – Vignette Press sent us a selection of darkly glamorous little Mooks [half mag/half book] bearing the respective titles Sex and Death. You could win one.
Clem Bastow Encouragement Award* – if you have a band, folio, exhibition, event, manuscript, or any other arts-related gig you need packaged and publicised, you could win a professional presser from Clem.
Ante Veritas Prize* – Digital storyteller Clementine Ford will craft a short feature [5–8 mins, in consultation with you] on a subject of your choice, so you can remember how it felt or what it means into the future.
The Road Prize[s]*– in season passes to the film adaptation of the Cormac McCarthy stunner. You can win one of these for subscribing ANY DAY, as they’re valid across the country. If you win, you can take me!
NIBS ‘Do Something’ Prize* – an activist pack from New International Bookshop at Trades Hall. Stuff to get you started making a bloody buggery difference to this world from the nerve centre of activism in Melbourne.
Meanland Prize* – a choice selection of new release titles, courtesy of the 2010 collaboration between Overland and Meanjin on Reading in an Age of Change, including Bird and Killing by Sophie and Jeff respectively.
Sleepers Prize – an Almanac Pack to challenge, delight and generally make you look smart and interesting when you read it in cafes.
There are a couple more incredible prizes up for grabs, to be revealed later today and tomorrow, and if a prize bears an asterisk we can post it to a winner anywhere in the country, or indeed the world. But if you live in Melbourne or Sydney, we have some special love for you.
Victorian Opera Prize – double passes to two incredible opera productions, The Bear/Angelique [20 Mar 2010] and The Turn of the Screw [7 Jul 2010] at the Arts Centre Playhouse.
Readings Local Prize – a shiny and alluring gift voucher for $100 to spent on anything your heart desires in any Readings store.
RRR Prize – a yearly subscription to Melbourne’s favourite community radio station as well as an awesome prize pack full of T-shirts, a mug, RRR CD, keyring, and Radio City, a history of RRR published by Vulgar Press. If you’re already a subscriber, y0u can gift it to a freeloading friend, thereby prompting them to subscribe to their favourite show for life and helping us all feel a bit better.
If you live outside Melbourne, have subscribed this week and want to be in the draw for any of these, just let us know and we’ll throw you in.
And Sydneysiders who subscribe will go in the running for prizes from:
Gleebooks – memberships to Gleeclub, entitling the winner to free tickets to bookshop events and 10% discount instore and online, as well as other special treats. Now Gleebooks delivers worldwide, so if you’re outside Greater Sydney and want in on this prize, give us a holler to go in the draw.
Not enough for you? Well, apart from being a bit greedy you’re also very lucky, BECAUSE WE HAVE MORE.
Today and tomorrow are your last chance chance to join the Overland family during Subscriberthon – to win prizes, to have bloody good writing delivered to you four times a year, to support spaces that care about progressive culture.