Since when did they ever value this land
cos if they did they would have paid the price
they would have done what was right
instead there has been theft after
theft after theft
murder and rape
incarceration and desecration
selling off what they could never own
selling off our only home
Giving it away to the first white man that put his hand up
and its okay cos we are Black and Indigenous
it’s okay to quarter and divide our mother up
this is Country
not Auschwitz
the Thames or Rome
this aint the valley of the kings
or Paris or any catacomb
this aint Times Square
just a place to bear the colony’s bastard children
the ones imprisoned and sent here more than 200 years ago
We never did anything wrong
so now I gotta write for my own sanity
process this inhumane shit so it don’t get the best of me
reject these colonial tools and weaponry
I cant keep crying for my Country
can’t keep applying band-aids to gaping holes of missing rock
and reminisce about what was in front of me
and lament at what they forgot
Little people be watching me
who the fuck holds them down
while I’m feeling sorry
who the fuck is gonna show them their country
who’s gonna tell them their stories
of how our ancestors survived
of how matriarchs ensured we thrived
and put the creations memories in all little babies minds
eyes and hearts
where do we even begin to start
picking up those pieces
how do we win any battle
against this bloodthirsty creature?