Published in Overland Issue 214 Autumn 2014 · Writing Stanwell Tops Mitchell Welch We shake off the engine echo, dopplering Over cliffs and shoals of glossy cloud Where fly-suited radicals uplift From wild Kombis to the hydrosphere Slung in air as thick as Liquid Nails Leaching out of seams of distant ice The yellow light a horizontal knife Blunted on an algal bloom, the reef weed Rolled up like a finger of tobacco In a backed-up gutter, we stop to watch Mazarine blues wash the windscreen Down in rimy penstrokes, hieroglyphic Screams or dreamy helices – The end Is near, the end! – descend the mauve Ecliptic. One comes thru the skylight Of our noncanopic wagon, a blanketfall He says to drive, Crocs up on the dash The whole panoptic world gone black A groaning fissure widens in the cityself Open road and gutterfingers on the wheel He whispers: All of us are seachangers But some of us are serious. Mitchell Welch Mitchell Welch has lived in Brisbane, Melbourne and the Gold Coast, where has worked as a public servant, cemetery administrator and communications consultant. He is currently based in Hobart. His first book, Vehicular Man, is forthcoming as part of the Rabbit Poets Series. More by Mitchell Welch › Overland is a not-for-profit magazine with a proud history of supporting writers, and publishing ideas and voices often excluded from other places. If you like this piece, or support Overland’s work in general, please subscribe or donate. Related articles & Essays 11 December 202411 December 2024 · Writing The trouble Ken Bolton’s poems make for me, specifically, at the moment Linda Marie Walker These poems doom me to my chair and table and computer. I knew it was all downhill from here, at this age, but it’s been confirmed. My mind remains town-size, hemmed in by pine plantations and kanite walls and flat swampy land and hills called “mountains”. 17 July 202417 July 2024 · Writing “What is it that remains of us now”: witnessing the war on Palestine with Suheir Hammad Dashiell Moore The flame of her poetry scorches the states of exceptions that allow individual and state-sponsored violence to continue, unjustified, and unhistoricised. As we engage with her work, we are reminded that "chronic survival" is not merely an act of enduring but a profound declaration of existence.