We stand against discipline of Deakin encampment

Open letter: Deakin staff and students oppose disciplinary action over Deakin Gaza Solidarity Encampment.

We, the undersigned Deakin University staff and students, oppose Deakin’s disciplinary measures against students for participation in the Deakin Gaza Solidarity Encampment. We affirm our support for freedom of speech and the right to protest on campus. We call for the immediate revocation of all formal warnings, suspensions and other disciplinary measures resulting from the encampment. We call on the university to drop any pending disciplinary charges, and we oppose any future attempts by university management to punish staff or students for Palestine activism. We reject the narrative being pushed by management that the encampment was unsafe for staff or students.

Deakin University is attempting to discipline two students over their involvement in the Deakin Gaza Solidarity Encampment. One, Renee Nayef, has already been suspended for a trimester and banned from setting foot on university premises. Another, Jasmine Duff, is likely to be suspended or expelled. Many other students have been issued with formal warnings, which were sent to all students who the university identified as having slept at the encampment.

Deakin University is the only university in Victoria to have suspended or seriously disciplined students over the solidarity encampments which swept Australia and the world. The encampments were vibrant, peaceful and moving sites of protest against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Deakin students camped on the main campus walkway for seventeen winter nights, creating a space for political discussion and protest. Banners and signs calling Palestinian liberation, Indigenous justice and women’s rights lined the pathway, leading up to a kitchen where students and staff visited the encampment. The campus stage, decked out in Palestinian and Aboriginal flags, was a site of daily teach-ins by community members including Indigenous, Palestinian, Jewish and Israeli staff and activists. Some of the teach-ins dealt with the Israel-Palestine conflict itself, discussing the history of the Nakba, Israel’s apartheid system, and the current war. Others dealt with previous struggles, like the 1946-49 Pilbara Strike by Aboriginal workers and the 2011 Occupy Wall Street movement. Students and staff held three large marches to support and defend the encampment.

The university claims the encampment created an “environment of hostility, intimidation and fear” on campus. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The encampment was peaceful, welcoming, and created a new space for political engagement. University management instructed security guards to block off the whole walkway, all one hundred metres of it, with tape barriers. On their way to classes, students were made to show identification and explain where they were going. But this exhibit of Orwellianism in the centre of our campus didn’t dissuade students from ducking under the tape to visit the encampment or prevent staff from bringing their whole classes to hold lessons among the banners.

Over 39,000 civilians have been killed in Gaza, including over 15,000 children. Universities across Gaza have been razed to the ground. Throughout all of this, Deakin has maintained its funding for research partnerships with multiple weapons companies. This includes a partnership with the Guided Weapons, Explosives and Ordinance Enterprise of BAE Systems, which provides Israel with weapons and which saw a surge in profits to £2.7bn as a result of Israel’s onslaught on Gaza and Russia’s war in Ukraine. If Deakin management truly cared about safety, it would immediately end its research partnerships with weapons manufacturers.

Moments like this one contribute to defining our historical period. All of us have a choice. Are we willing to accept living in a society which is silent in the face of genocide, or do we add our voices to create a chorus of opposition to human suffering?

In his 2005 poem, Think Of Others, Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish advised us:

As you think of others far away, think of yourself

(say: “If only I were a candle in the dark”).

We, the undersigned, choose to be candles. We stand with the student protesters.

If you wish to sign the letter, click here.

Shiri Krebs, Professor, Deakin University
Dr Michael Lazarus, Deakin academic staff member
Andrew Stapleton, Librarian / NTEU Delegate and Branch Committee Member
Christopher Mayes, Deakin University, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy
Dr Peter Ferguson, Politics and International Relations Discipline Convenor, Deakin University
Chris Pollard, Sessional Academic in Sociology and Philosophy
Dylan Holdsworth, Sessional Academic
Anna Kent, Sessional Academic
Bachlan, Senior Student Adviser
Marcus Banks, Senior Research Fellow, University of Tasmania
Eve Mayes, Senior research fellow
Tatjana Seizova-Cajic, Senior lecturer, University of Sydney
David Brophy, Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney
David Giles, Senior Lecturer, Deakin University
Jacqui Adcock, Senior Lecturer, Deakin University
Dr Maria Rae, Senior Lecturer in Politics and Policy
Dr Catherine Legg, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Deakin University
Sean Bowden, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy (Deakin)
David Coady, Senior Lecturer at the University of Tasmania
Tamara K. Browne, Senior Lecturer at Deakin University
Daniel McAvoy, Senior Lecturer
Dr David Giles, Senior Lecturer
Samantha Balaton-chrimes, Senior Lecturer
Vicki Ware, Senior Lecturer
Dave Skvarc, Senior Lecturer
Martin Potter, Senior Lecturer
Amie O’Shea, Senior Lecturer
Shaun Rawolle, Senior Lecturer
Therese Grimes, Prospective student officer
Prof Anthony LaMontagne, Professor, Deakin University
Paula Muraca, Associate Research Fellow, ADI Deakin
Lorenzo Galletta, Associate Research Fellow
Amy Nethery, Associate Professor, Politics and Policy
Joanna Cruickshank, Associate Professor, Deakin University
Danielle Chubb, Associate Professor, Deakin
A/Prof Victoria Stead, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Faculty of Arts and Education
Susanna Venn, Associate Professor of Plant Ecology
David Hundt, Associate Professor of International Relations, Deakin University
Anthony Ware , Associate Professor of International and Community Development
Timothy Neale, Associate Professor
Amanda Keddie, Professor of Education
Benjamin Isakhan, Professor
Jasmin Chen, Professional Staff Member
Nazryn Azhar, Professional staff
Kathryn Tafra, professional staff
Kristy Welch, Senior International Student Support Officer
Lew Zipin, Retired scholar-activist in education for social justice
Amanda Lourie, Researcher
Trevor McCandless, Research Fellow
Helen Ngo, Research Fellow
Charishma Ratnam, Research Fellow
Georgia Craigie, Research fellow
Trevor McCandless, Research Fellow
Kathie, Research assistant
Bryan Fricker, Staff
Maree Pardy, Staff
Katrina MacDonald, Staff
Fethi Mansouri, staff
Kathie Kenyon, Research assistant
NTEU for Palestine Victoria, Rank and file group of NTEU members
Thomas Hill, PSA
Jessica Marian, Postdoctoral Research Fellow (UniMelb)
Sara Ryding, Post doc
Scott Denis McCarthy, PhD student
Olis Kinnear, PhD Student
Emilie Owens, PhD Candidate, Deakin University, School of Education
Aiden, NTEU, USyd
Natalie Osborne, NTEU member
Ben Nunquam, NTEU Branch Secretary and National Councillor, Federation University
Dr Michael Callaghan, NTEU Branch Committee Member and National Councillor
Jack Kirne , NTEU
Sarah McNabb, NA
Akane Kanai, Monash University
Tony Williams, Monash staff
Samantha Ratnam, Member for Northern Metropolitan, Parliament of Victoria
Kamilia Al-ERIANI , Melbourne University
Miriam Neufeld, Medical student
Sarah, McDonald
Jennifer Keene-McCann, Marking tutor
Daniel Tritt, Marketing division
Vittoria Grossi, Manager, Academic and Peer Services
Loud Jew Collective, Loud Jew Collective
Petra Brown, Lecturer, SHSS
Pat McConville, Lecturer, School of Medicine, Deakin University
Dr. Aleryk Fricker, Lecturer, NIKERI Institute
Aleryk Fricker, Lecturer, NIKERI Institute
Piper Rodd, Lecturer, Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin
Francesca Bussey, Lecturer
Rebekah Omond, Lecturer
Mitchell Kerley, Learning Designer
Costas, Laoutides
César Gustavo Latorre, General Delegate of Italian Hospital in BS. AS.
Jane Kenway, Former Deakin Academic Staff member
Kyle Kohinga, Doctoral Candidate
Virginie Rey, DECRA Fellow, Deakin University
Tash Atkins, Deakin University, Professional Staff
Keira Ting-Shelley, Deakin University undergraduate
Lilliana Woods Shirzadeh, deakin university student
Rachel, Deakin University student
Chloe Martin, Deakin University Student
Matthew Narracott, Deakin University Student
Piper Bushby, Deakin University student
Lisa Gray, deakin university student
Piper Bushby, Deakin University student
Rachel, Deakin University student
Matthew Narracott, Deakin University Student
Lisa Gray, deakin university student
Chloe Martin, Deakin University Student
Piper Bushby, Deakin University student
Rachel, Deakin University student
Matthew Narracott, Deakin University Student
Lisa Gray, deakin university student
Chloe Martin, Deakin University Student
Elizabeth Williams, Deakin university staff
Elizabeth Williams, Deakin university staff
Louise Willis, Deakin University staff
Dr Christopher O’Neill, Deakin University Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Sophie Adams, Deakin University Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Melinda Cameron, Deakin University Masters student
Tara Gilbee, Deakin University Lecturer
Philippa McLean, Deakin University Alumni
Lisa Livingston, Deakin University Alumni
Jonah Pratt, Deakin University – Professional Staff
Drew Roberts , Deakin University
Kiera Hoy, Deakin University
Mohammed Aldhulaee, Deakin University
Catherine Holder, Deakin University
Alec Ferguson, Deakin University
Fizza, Deakin University
Kat Hamilton, Deakin University
Maria , Deakin university
Jeevika, Deakin University
Matiu Bush , Deakin University
Catherine Holder, Deakin University
Alec Ferguson, Deakin University
Kiera Hoy, Deakin University
Fizza, Deakin University
Kat Hamilton, Deakin University
Drew Roberts , Deakin University
Maria , Deakin university
Jeevika, Deakin University
Matiu Bush , Deakin University
Mohammed Aldhulaee, Deakin University
Catherine Holder, Deakin University
Alec Ferguson, Deakin University
Kiera Hoy, Deakin University
Fizza, Deakin University
Kat Hamilton, Deakin University
Drew Roberts , Deakin University
Maria , Deakin university
Jeevika, Deakin University
Matiu Bush , Deakin University
Mohammed Aldhulaee, Deakin University
Megan Dennis, Deakin University
Jasmine McCulloch, Deakin University
Armita Abdollahyan, Deakin University
Bree Allingham-MacLaren, Deakin University
Beth Jackson, Deakin University
Kayla Bond, Deakin University
Sonali Gupta, Deakin University
Lorika Kadriu, Deakin University
Tareq Elzabri, Deakin University
Ajaa Thuc, Deakin University
Bronte Montgomery-Farrer, Deakin University
Jeremy, Deakin University
Temam, Deakin University
Rose Lewis, Deakin University
Aayesha Fahim Mohamed, Deakin University
Sarah claydon, Deakin University
Matt Lazaridis, Deakin University
Sian White, Deakin University
Ameena Payne, Deakin University
Jessica Whyte, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of New South Wales
Jasmine, Deakin University
Bianca Whiteside, Deakin University
Anna Nguyen, Deakin University
livroop gill, deakin university
Yzabela Casiguran, Deakin University
Rickie Morey, Deakin University
Jill Blackmore, Deakin UNiversity
Sarah claydon, Deakin University
Matt Lazaridis, Deakin University
Beth Jackson, Deakin University
Sonali Gupta, Deakin University
Ajaa Thuc, Deakin University
Sian White, Deakin University
Ameena Payne, Deakin University
Tareq Elzabri, Deakin University
Bree Allingham-MacLaren, Deakin University
Jasmine McCulloch, Deakin University
Lorika Kadriu, Deakin University
Jasmine, Deakin University
Armita Abdollahyan, Deakin University
Megan Dennis, Deakin University
Temam, Deakin University
Bianca Whiteside, Deakin University
Anna Nguyen, Deakin University
Aayesha Fahim Mohamed, Deakin University
livroop gill, deakin university
Kayla Bond, Deakin University
Rose Lewis, Deakin University
Jeremy, Deakin University
Yzabela Casiguran, Deakin University
Bronte Montgomery-Farrer, Deakin University
Sarah claydon, Deakin University
Matt Lazaridis, Deakin University
Beth Jackson, Deakin University
Sonali Gupta, Deakin University
Ajaa Thuc, Deakin University
Sian White, Deakin University
Ameena Payne, Deakin University
Tareq Elzabri, Deakin University
Bree Allingham-MacLaren, Deakin University
Jasmine McCulloch, Deakin University
Lorika Kadriu, Deakin University
Jasmine, Deakin University
Armita Abdollahyan, Deakin University
Megan Dennis, Deakin University
Temam, Deakin University
Bianca Whiteside, Deakin University
Anna Nguyen, Deakin University
Aayesha Fahim Mohamed, Deakin University
livroop gill, deakin university
Kayla Bond, Deakin University
Rose Lewis, Deakin University
Jeremy, Deakin University
Yzabela Casiguran, Deakin University
Bronte Montgomery-Farrer, Deakin University
Kiana Dalton, Deakin Uni and Monash Uni
Kiana Dalton, Deakin Uni and Monash Uni
Kiana Dalton, Deakin Uni and Monash Uni
Elizabeth Counihan, Deakin Uni Alumni
Elizabeth Counihan, Deakin Uni Alumni
Elizabeth Counihan, Deakin Uni Alumni
pavani ambagahawattha, deakin uni
pavani ambagahawattha, deakin uni
pavani ambagahawattha, deakin uni
Zoe Guest, Deakin student and deakin casual staff member (students helping students)
Estella Corvini, Deakin student
Nicole Pavia, Deakin student
Jack Gardner, Deakin Student
Taylor pahnis , Deakin student
Sheharyar Shoaib, Deakin student
Masuma Saeed, Deakin student
Anjalee , Deakin student
Jack, Deakin Student
Leonie Cordon, Deakin student
Taylor pahnis , Deakin student
Jack Gardner, Deakin Student
Jack, Deakin Student
Nicole Pavia, Deakin student
Taylor pahnis , Deakin student
Jack Gardner, Deakin Student
Jack, Deakin Student
Nicole Pavia, Deakin student
Winky Ng, Deakin Student
Ryan Latch, Deakin Student
Tevyn Gov, Deakin student
Kazi Atique Moula Nabil, Deakin student
Hannah Oliver, Deakin student
Jasmine McCulloch , Deakin student
Madison, Deakin Student
Tay Zar, Deakin Student
Sofia hanif, Deakin student
Sophronia Armatolos, Deakin student
Peter Hansford, Deakin Student
Bas Onifade, Deakin student
Eli Tutor, Deakin Student
Mi Hoa Nguyen, Deakin Student
Athiya Ali, Deakin student
Maheen Irfan, Deakin student
David Kelly, RMIT University
Dr Alan Hill, RMIT University
Dani, RMIT University
Ahsan, Deakin Student
Marita, Deakin Student
Mohadysa Qandai, Deakin student
Zoë Guest, Deakin student
Amina Ibrahim, Deakin Student
Marita, Deakin Student
Mohadysa Qandai, Deakin student
Tevyn Gov, Deakin student
Zoë Guest, Deakin student
Hannah Oliver, Deakin student
Sophronia Armatolos, Deakin student
Madison, Deakin Student
Jasmine McCulloch , Deakin student
Bas Onifade, Deakin student
Marita, Deakin Student
Mohadysa Qandai, Deakin student
Tevyn Gov, Deakin student
Zoë Guest, Deakin student
Hannah Oliver, Deakin student
Sophronia Armatolos, Deakin student
Madison, Deakin Student
Jasmine McCulloch , Deakin student
Bas Onifade, Deakin student
Mardi Reardon-Smith, Deakin staff member (Research fellow)
Margaret Herczeg, Deakin staff member
Kiran Pienaar, Deakin staff member
Amanda, Deakin staff member
Peta Trinder, Deakin staff
Geoff Robinson, Deakin staff
Polly Bennett, Deakin staff
Zim Nwokora, Deakin staff
Marcus, Deakin Staff
Claire Johnstone, Deakin staff
Jill Brown, Deakin staff
Jill BROWN, Deakin Staff
Sam Lai, Deakin staff
Jess Murphy, Deakin Staff
Dr Oscar I Roos, Deakin Senior Lecturer
Lucinda Buckley, Deakin Professional Staff
Christopher O’Neill, Deakin Postdoctoral Fellow – Alfred Deakin Institute
Dr David Adamson, Deakin PhD alumni and academic 2007-2020
Clare O’Hanlon, Deakin NTEU member and librarian
Brandi, Deakin Lecturer
Lauryn Goates, Deakin HDR student
Adam Masri, Deakin casual academic
Zoe, Deakin Burwood Student
Daniel, Deakin Alumnus
Liam Ward, Deakin alumni, RMIT Lecturer
Chloe, Deakin alumni
Nadia Itaywi , Deakin alumni
Dr Elliot Dolan-Evans , Deakin Alumni
Amalie , Deakin Alumni
Amalie , Deakin Alumni
Chloe, Deakin alumni
Amalie , Deakin Alumni
Chloe, Deakin alumni
Jonathan O’Donnell, Deakin academic
Corrine Lakat, Deakin
Q Muller, Deakin
Aminath Iasha, Deakin
Elena Jephson, deakin
Aiden, Deakin
Aminath Iasha, Deakin
Corrine Lakat, Deakin
Syed Ubaid Ahmed , Deakin
Connor Coombes, Deakin
Piper Kovacic, Deakin
Ava Callachor-Fraser, Deakin
Oscar Luke, Deakin
Therese Grimes, Deakin
Ava Callachor, Deakin
Renee, Deakin
Katy pickup, Deakin
Amina Ibrahim, Deakin
Sarah MacCauley , Deakin
Isabella, Deakin
Nyla Alcide, Deakin
Natasha Fridey, Deakin
Ava Callachor, Deakin
Renee, Deakin
Connor Coombes, Deakin
Oscar Luke, Deakin
Syed Ubaid Ahmed , Deakin
Katy pickup, Deakin
Therese Grimes, Deakin
Amina Ibrahim, Deakin
Ava Callachor-Fraser, Deakin
Sarah MacCauley , Deakin
Piper Kovacic, Deakin
Isabella, Deakin
Nyla Alcide, Deakin
Natasha Fridey, Deakin
Ava Callachor, Deakin
Renee, Deakin
Connor Coombes, Deakin
Oscar Luke, Deakin
Syed Ubaid Ahmed , Deakin
Katy pickup, Deakin
Therese Grimes, Deakin
Amina Ibrahim, Deakin
Ava Callachor-Fraser, Deakin
Sarah MacCauley, Deakin
Piper Kovacic, Deakin
Isabella, Deakin
Nyla Alcide, Deakin
Natasha Fridey, Deakin
Stephen Jolly, Councillor City of Yarra
Frances Shaw, Concerned citizen
Dr. Nancy Hudson-Rodd, Concerned citizen
Tom Sandercock, Casual Academic
Murray Noonan, Casual Academic
Chloe Mackenzie, Branch Vice President, NTEU UniMelb
Marie Brennan, Borderlands Cooperative Board Chair
Husna Amani, Bachelor of social work student at Deakin
Nick Jacksom, Aus worker
Rosie Isaac, Associate lecturer, University of Melbourne
Sagan Culph , Archaeologist
Alison Gibberd, Another university
Mahdi Hashemian, Advisor, Recruitment Services
Dr Kim Davies, Academic, Deakin University
Kim Davies, Academic, Deakin
Kathryn Keeble, Academic staff
Angela Osborne, Tutor
Tahlia kolokithas , Student
Kat, Student
Oscar Luke, Student
Michael Nardi, Student
Tanya King, Staff, Deakin
Nicholas Payne, Staff member

Deakin Palestine Solidarity Group

The Deakin Palestine Solidarity Group is comprised of NTEU4P and Deakin NTEU members, as well as other Deakin staff organising against our university’s complicity in Israel’s genocide.

More by Deakin Palestine Solidarity Group ›

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