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Caroline Williamson

Caroline Williamson is a poet and editor, born in the UK and living in Melbourne since 1990. Her poems have been published in journals including Overland, Meanjin, Heat, Rabbit and Cordite, in a number of Newcastle Prize anthologies, and in Contemporary Australian Feminist Poetry (ed. Bonnie Cassidy and Jessica Wilkinson). Her essay ‘Working Methods: Painting, Poetry and the difficulty of Barbara Guest’, based on her Masters minor thesis, was published in Jacket #36. Her PhD in creative writing (Monash 2016) examined some of the ways that poets have attempted to deal with climate change in their work, and explored the lives of her coal-mining ancestors in Wales in an earlier version of Carboniferous. She won the 2014 A.D. Hope Prize for the best postgraduate essay presented at the conference of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, for ‘Beyond Generation Green: Jill Jones and the Ecopoetic Process’. Her collection Time Machines was recently published by Vagabond Press.

Articles by Caroline Williamson: